
Dec 18, 2009 12:29

First of all I just want to thank marymac so much for her beautiful virtual gift!! I love it so much and I'm sorry I didn't tell you that before. But the good news is that it is snowing where I live so it has been prophetic.

I have been having a really good time recently. I went to see Breakfast at Tiffany's  in the Theatre last week and while my Dad absolutely hated it (it bored him to within an inch of his life), I and my Ma quite enjoyed it.

I did have issues with it, and one has to be this poster. In it she has dark hair yet in the play she has this hideous straw colour hair that does nothing for her ghost like pale skin. Her accent slipped one too many times for me and she did talk really quietly. But it was based on the book and not the movie, which means that the ending wasn't so happy-happy and that was nice. There was also nudity which was fun - especially with your parents sitting right next to you. But then earlier this week I went to see An Inspector Calls and that was absolutely brilliant. I studied the play for GSCE and loved it then so jumped at the chance of getting cheap tickets. And because I booked it on a random week day, the tickets were changed to be in the Royal Cricle! But on a less superficial note, this play should be seen by all.

I knew what happened and yet I still felt myself going 'you idiot' under my breath and hoping that it would be different. Mrs Sybil Birling (pictured above with the Inspector) was played by Sandra Duncan and she was amazing. Her comic timing, her dramatic sweeping gestures and statements - I loved it! This play should get the publicity that Breakfast has been given, because not only does it deserve it, but it is acted better, has a better storyline and isn't ever dull. I wouldn't even mind actually seeing it again, and that's saying something because I never see things twice.
 And it's almost Christmas. And while last's lovely, what I am looking forward to is happening in January. Because you know what's back on January 10th?? BEING HUMAN!!!


theatre, television

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