An Update

Nov 22, 2009 13:30

Hello all!! I have spent the whole week in Random House gaining some valuable work experiece. And because of that I haven't been able to update in ages. Most of the stuff I do is normal admin stuff, which is what I expected to get but every now and again I am given a really interesting task to do. For example I saved our department a whole load of money by getting free subscriptions to the magazines that they used to pay for. That little nugget of talent is defnintely going into my CV.

But do you know what else hap[ened? Children in Need. And do you know what that means? Merlin scetch! And if you haven't seen it here it is:

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And a huggeee concert took place in order to raise money and Snow Patrol did a duet with Cheryl Cole. I would never have thought that the two of them would suit each other and the song that they chose, but it really worked!

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I am now in love with this song. And of course Athur from Merlin. Next week he's enchanted to woo some blonde bombshell. I CANNOT WAIT!!

Hopefully there will be more nakedness. This week Merlin forced him to go on a diet. It was really funny.

Live Long and Prosper!



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