
Oct 31, 2009 22:13

A long time ago, I used to work in the library. There is another job going there and my parents want me to apply for it. I don't want to. I like working at the Eye. They don't (well not as much as I do, evidently). I reallly don't want to apply for the job. Maybe I will and then botch up the interview. Or just lie.

I hate this.

In better news I managed to get work experience at Random House! You know, the publishing company. that is so brilliant and I am really looking forward to that. I easily managed to get time off for that (2 weeks worth of it). If I work in the library I won't be able to do that so every time I get more work experience or an internship I'lll either have to turn it down (that's not going to happen) or hand in my notice (but with the Eye I'll have a job waiting for me after).

I love working at the Eye. The people there - I love them all so much!

family, work

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