SANTORINI - 9.9.09-10.9.09 and an update.

Sep 25, 2009 11:02

Here is the first entry of my Santorini trip:

Well as I write this I am sitting on my bed (wearing a favourite skirt of mine) all ready to go out, while K is getting ready and S is having a shower. But let me tell you, getting here was harder than any of us anticipated.

Eating on the plane and trying not to throw up

We arrived at the Blue Palace Bay hotel at about 7.30 am and we had already tild them that that would happen, so please have our room ready for us. Surprise, surprise they didn't. Terry (the manager) decided to book us in for one day at another hotel and even though we didn't want to go there we were sent there. I think we were there for a total of 15 minutes before we insisted on being sent back - we paid for a beach hotel and I refused to spend a day there.

So huffng and puffing (from the managers), we were brought back. And then we sat (and sat) and then slept in the reception room until our room was ready for us.

I look so attractive, it's scary.

Terry didn't say another word to us and I am pretty sure that we have been laelled problem tourists. But you know what? I DON'T CARE. One we got to our room, K went straight to bed while S and I went for a walk.

First we went to the beach and then we went to the swimming pool. At least I did.

This is me right before I jumped into the coldest swimming pool water in the history of the world.
Let me tell you one thing, Santorini is absolyelt BEAUTIFUL. Truly spectacular.

I can't wait for tomorrow when we'll be all far more awake and far more into everything. Our four hour nap wasn't anough - ah well it will do for now!

And that is the end of my first diary entry. We did do more that evening but I wrote about it the next day and I am going to try and be as faithful as possible to what I wrote then.

Anyway today I am in a much better mood. My Grandfather is doing much better. No one told us but the day his ulcers burst was a bad day. It was touch and go. He was dying and it was only because my cousin gave him CPR that he didn't pass away then and there. And then later on in the hospital, right before they put a camera down his throat they asked him what he wanted them to do if he died on the table. And he told them not to bring him back.

I couldn't believe it when I heard. My cousin told me that he is ready to die, and that broke my heart.

My Aunt managed to convince him otherwise, but luckily nothing happened on the operating table. Now, today it is I think 3 days after the latest operation. Yesterday he was doing so much better - walking and talking and eating. They told us that hopefully he will be discharged on Monday.

And he seems much happier. But every now and again he remembers my Nan, who passed in 2001 and my Uncle (my Mum's only brother) who passed away the same year from the Indian Earthquake. He was 45 years old and one of the leading pedeotricians in this country. The York-Hull University Medical School has dedicated a new fellowship to my Uncle.

You can tell he misses them so much. But then he sees us, all his granchildren and he smiles when he looks at us. And, I like to think, that maybe he doesn't want to die as much.

There was a wedding recently, when all of us got together. Here is a picture:

Me, my cousin, my Aunt, my Ma, my Grandfather, my sister and my Dad.

My Grandfather is going to turn 80 in October. Can you believe it, he was born in 1929.

Live long and prosper!


holiday, family

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