I am back

Sep 17, 2009 21:34

And I know I promised and entry with pictures, but after ebing awake for about 36 hours I think I am going to go to bed. My Uncle also passed away while I was on holiday so things haven't been the best around here. But there will be a Greek update soon, with lots and lots of pictures. But until then, courtesy of Karishma, one of the prople I went with, I leave with a list of memorable quotes from our holiday:

*Listening to Pitbull's "I Know You Want Me" on the way to Stansted
Kaz: You've got to give it to him .. "I know you want me, You know I want you" and "Meet me at the hotel" .. Very simplistic lyrics!
Sabz: Very straightforward
Kaz: Maybe the next one will be "Did you really expect me to call after sleeping with you?"
Sabz: And then "What do you mean the baby is mine?"
Kaz: Followed by "Of course I sent you the child support"

*Eating in Wetherspoons*
Rosh: I love cream .. I drink it straight out of the carton .. It's my Athlete's Foot
Kaz: Erm .. don't you mean its your Achilles Heel?
Rosh: Maybe .. Yes

*Kaz, Rosh and Sabz are wearing similar outfits*
Restaurant Manager: Are you the dancers?

*Waiter pays extra attention to Sabz*
Rosh: He wants your babies!
Sabz: Hmm .. apparently a lot of people do!=P

Rosh: Are Fira and Thira the same place?
Sabz: Yup .. just spelling differences I guess?
Kaz: It was the cockneys .. they came along to Thira and went "Yeah .. its called Fira innit?!"
Rosh: Ah yes, blame it on the cockneys.

*Whilst walking in the rain*
Sabz: Ewww .. the rain just went down my top!
Kaz: Pervert rain .. gets everywhere

Kaz: I'm sick to death of your excuses and your lack of skimpy clothes!!!

Sabz: Don't diiiieeeeee!!!

Kaz: Urgh the weather is so crap!
Sabz: Hmm .. maybe I can ask that friendly greek guy and he can wave his magic greek wand and make the weather better
Kaz and Rosh: Magic Greek Wand?!?!?!

Rosh: Do you know what time the bus comes?
Irene: Do you know what GMT means?
Rosh: Erm yeah .. Greenwich Mean Time
Irene: No no no .. Greek Maybe Time

Kaz: Du bist einen großen Wellensittich!
Sabz: Did you just call me a big budgie?!
Kaz: JA!

Sabz: Where are all the hot boys? We seem to repel them!
Kaz: Its like magnets .. North pole repels North pole .. So hotness repels hotness! All the hot guys are in the sea now!

Rosh: Turn around pansy boy!

"You relax .. Come back tomorrow!"
"Is 20 euros .. plus 20 euro tax .. 40 euros!"
"I think is best"
"I have free transfer to airport .. I think you no like this"
~ Terry

"I missed you!"
"Is good yes?"
~ George, the waiter

Magic-Greek-Wand-Guy: Ahh here are the pretty girls!
Rosh: I know!
Magic-Greek-Wand-Guy: That is not what you are meant to say .. You are meant to say "Thank you!"
Rosh: Fine .. Thank you .. But I know! ;-)

Sabz: *hisses* Nobody likess youuuu!

Rosh: We came, we saw and we conquered .. And we paid you 3 euros!

Rosh: How are you?
Shopkeeper: I have 3 beautiful girls in my shop .. I am great!

Woman from San Francisco: Yeah we saw Dita von Teese and her .. burlesqueteers?

Guy from Essex: We watched a Turkish soap opera .. I call it Middle-EastEnders

Rosh: Aren't you proud of the fact that you climbed a volcano?
Kaz: No! People who do that kind of crap are twats!
Rosh: But WE climbed a volcano!
Kaz: Exactly! .. WE'RE TWATS!!!

Rosh: Guuyyyyysss!!! Quick come up stairs! Oh My God!
*Kaz & Sabz run up stairs*
Sabz: What happened?
Rosh: LOOOOK! The headboard has a mirror .. I can see myself in bed!

*Referring to our contemporary art*
Kaz: I have an idea for a new piece but it will cause some mess
Rosh: What did you just say? All I heard was "Heaven", "Butter" and "Piss" =S

Kaz: The day you tell me you've tested negative for syphilis, I will throw you a party!

Sabz: My hair smells greek!

Kaz: Ooh let's play poker .. no wait we have nothing to bet!
Rosh: We can bet my socks!

Sabz: My legs are not used to wearing trousers

Kaz: Rosh .. you are a man's man!

Kaz: Do you want OLIVE OIIIILLLL? (to Sabz)

*After hearing multiple airport security announcements*
Kaz: Now I feel like leaving my suitcase unattended, smoking in the non-smoking area and taking MORE than 100ml of liquid in my hand luggage .. what now bitch?!



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