Madame Tussauds

Aug 25, 2009 12:30

Two days agao I borrowed my friend's Merlin Pass and managed to get myself and two of my friends into Madame Tussauds for free! One hadn't been since she was in the pram and the other just wanted to go again. Sometimes it is so much fun being a tourist :D And of course we took a whole load of pictures.

This was aprecarious pose - I was so close to knocking him out and probably breakig him. As it was he rocked on his feet and my heart had a little attack. But I ran out of his arms before anything bad happened :D

Now the next picture I really love. A waxwork of Michael Jackson was put up a few days after he passed away and even though there was another queue for him, there was no way that I was going to pass up on that.

Standing on my toes is the only Michael Jackson pose that I know. Ballet shoes are however painful and standing on my toes in them is more like being bare foot. But I am a survivor.

There is a section in Tussauds where they scare you shitless. You walk through narrow, dark corridors full of the wax works of evil people and actors dressed in prison garb and full of make up and crazy wild hair jump out at you and make you scream. It was so much fun!! Texas Chainsaw Massacre dude just ran up to the three of us and the shrillness of our screams still echo in my head.

But after the lovely waxworks I took us all back to the Eye and managed to get us on for free! We went during the evening and the view was spectacular! Everything was lit up. I never realised just how beautiful London really is.

And then yesterday night I finished at 8pm and my parents came over! I managed to get them onto the Eye aswell and on a private capsule which (and I just checked) is worth £440. I saved them that much money! Though they would never have spent that much if I didn't work there. Then we went on a walk through the Southbank and up to Westminster. It was a cool and glorious evening. And a whole load of fun :D

Now I have to go and get ready for my shift today, which finishes at 10.30pm. But before I go, I leave you with two more pictures.

Live Long and Prosper!


fun, friends, work

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