I do

Jun 27, 2009 20:16

Today was the wedding. Since there are three women in the house we had to wake up at 6.30 in the morning to make sure that everything was done in time and that all females looked respectable. Saris only come in one length. A piice of embroidered material (or patterned or plain or whatever) that is 9 meters long so that every shape of woman can fit ( Read more... )

family, ill, michael jackson

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marymac June 28 2009, 21:19:48 UTC
Hee. Cheating! But very sensible cheating :)

Oh my. Sounds complicated. My mum does all her parental competing by way of the Cathedral steps on Sundays, there aren't enough weddings to do it at those. Weddings in my family tend to be more oriented towards catching up and corrupting the children. Also here's only eight girls in my generation anyway (many boys!) so its very hard to be competitive.
Mostly I dance with the girls (can't eve n get my boyfriend to dance, Irishmen are terrible) and mind small children and be hugely entertained at how our boys go instantly into kill mode if guys chat us up, because they forget we're grown-ups now.

The Strapless Dress Dance is due to my sister's love of strapless dresses and accompanying relative lack of anything to hold them up. So you get to say, 'Hey baby let the free birds fly', and its *dance, air punch, dress hitch, dance*. This is now a fixture. Even the boys do it. The other sides are often quite startled by such behaviour.

I like our weddings, the last one had a mad conga round the bar.


mememememeee June 29 2009, 19:06:49 UTC
I love it when they forget that we're grown ups. At least I love it un;less the guy is super-hot. Then it's just irritating.

Even the boys do it!?? I am trying to imagine that and I am cracking up with laughter. It's you way of welcoming them into the family isn't it?

We had that too! It was fun. They should be made mandetory for all weddings.


marymac June 29 2009, 19:21:15 UTC
It doesn't help that I'm a good ten years younger than most of them. I'm fixed in their heads as being 13! Well, they haven't done it any time I was single, thank goodness. Of course, that just means they steal my shoes instead.

Yep! Well, more a way of getting them used to the insanity. We're not allowed to be completely mental until they're safely caught, you see.

I love congas. Especially congas started by the bride and seconded by her granny. (That girl is far too awesome for my cousin, she really is.)


mememememeee July 5 2009, 13:20:24 UTC
They steal your shoes?!? Is there a story behind that?

Heeheee - same with my family! We are always on our polite and best behaviour until the words 'I do' have been said. Then all hell breaks loose!

Your granny starts congas?!?


marymac July 5 2009, 16:24:43 UTC
The story behind that is that my cousin Cormac thinks its very funny to hold my shoes or any other portable belongings out of reach, and I foolishly took my shoes off. *is persecuted*

Nah, my grandparents are all long gone (although by all accounts she quite possibly would have if given the opening). It was the bride's granny, who I am tragically not related to at all. I think the lesson is that more of my cousins should marry demented Mexican girls.


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