Party Time!

May 31, 2009 13:04

Yesterday was Friend's 21st birthday party. And I bring you pictures!

This is what I was wearing, but imagine me without the socks. I took this pic when I came home and I cannot function without my socks! Especially since my shoes were peep toe. I looked amazing, if I don't say so myself and my Dad even told me to wear a t-shirt on top. All in all, it was a great outfit.

This is me and the Birthday Girl, who was on cloud nine, having the best time :D

Her mother, who I have known since forever didn't beleive that my tattoo was real and tried to scratch it of. That was fun. I think she was very surprised that my parents let me get it done. Why? I think loads of people think that Indian parents are really harsh. Not so with mine.

Anyway, here is a picture with all four of us. This was taken right at the beginning of the night, when I still had a voice.

And I don't know why, but all of us were in various shades of blue. At least none of us were wearing the same thing!
Now, normally I am a loud person. But last night, with really loud music, I was shouting. While being ill. I only relaised my mistake when my voice went and died on me and swallowing became the hardest thing in the world to do. And today, my voice has turned a nasty shade of man and my Dad has been making fun of me all day, deepening his own voice just to tease.

And I made a new friend! Birthday Girl had also invited her Uni and course mates and I decided to do what my parents always told me to - mingle.

Before I write anymore I just want to apologise to you all. I will stop being such a flaky friend. I haven't read or commented on anyone's journals in what seems forever. I promise to rectify that since now I have time on top of time. I have missed reading about all of your lives and what you all have been up to!

Mum wants me to go shopping with her. Dad went for the weekly food shop earlier today, but he forgot margerine so we are going to go sometime today. Maybe I will give some lovely shoppers my COLD OF DEATH. That will make my mood even cheerier! Before I go and start reading what you all have been up to, I leave you with one more picture of me in my sillier moment of the night.

Live long and prosper!


friends, birthday

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