Live Long and Prosper

May 13, 2009 22:52

From that title you can guess which movie I went to see today. Yes, that's right, Star Trek. And boy did I have a great time!

Fisrtly I have to say that I have never seen any of the original movies or the TV series or anything. I have never been obsessed like it as I have with Star Wars. My parents watched the original TV series and went to the cinema to see the movies (they also went to see Star Wars in the cinema. And Indiana Jones 1, 2, 3. Huh-who knew they actually had lives before me and Sister came along.)

The reason I wanted to see this movie was purely superficail ones - Chris Pine is HOTT. So I went and dragged and Sci-Fi hater along with me. How wrong was I to think that all this movie had going for it was Chris Pine? The characters were written and acted in such a way that I ended up caring for them all. Scotty is my new hero, I still fancy Kirk and Spock has the brain I want. The only problem was Uhura's name. I don't know if that was how it was pronounced and it was incorrect but did anyone else think they all kept saying U-whore-a? Friend and I laughed at that when I know we weren't supposed to.

The main story of this film was based on time travel. I have ALWAYS had a problem with time-travel based novels because they always assume that going back in time changes nothing. Just being there changes everything! But no - they save lives and alter events and suddenly everything is the same but now hunky-dory. Really irritates me. But in this movie that didn't happen! I was thrilled. And the time travel plot point means that they don't have to follow the original story lines to the letter any more - they have given themselves wiggle room.

Another great thing was that in some of the space battle scenes there was silence. Another sore point with me-having space movies with sound when they are in space. SPACE HAS NO AIR SO THERE CAN BE NO SOUND. You would think it would be easy to understand. But noooooo. This movie though saved me from being irritated at something so little. They didn't have sound (at some points only though. Other times I don't think that they could help themselves).

And I had the biggest ego trip ever when I figured out something before Spock did. I realised the black hole thing coming from a singularity before he did. Friend turned to me and told me that I am fast than he is. I turned to her and told her that I am smarter. It made my day! And even better than that was the fact that I understood the science and the physics in what they were saying. I actually understood it. Quantum Physics is my secret love - a while ago I was OBSESSED. I am so glad that I haven't forgotten most of it, I can also tell people that I am smarter than Spock. That is the most important thing.

I loved Chris Pine's Kirk and Zach Quinto's Spock. Quinto looked just like a young Leonard Nimoy and when Nimoy turned up as the older, future Spock I was thrilled. There was no need for special effects, it was just a perfect piece of casting. The humour in the movie was also brilliant. Kisr was a womanizer even with a swollen tongue and fingers the size of potatoes, and Uhura fell for Spock and kissed him IN PUBLIC ( ireally didn't think Spock would go for that. But it was a sweet and touching moment). Simon Pegg was a brilliant Scotty - like I said he is my new hero.

I recommend this movie to all fo you. It is really brilliant. My parents also went to see it this evening and they too had a brilliant time. Non-Sci-Fi Friend also had a brilliant time, having enjoyed herself when she expected the film to be boring. Star Trek is confident and brave and reinvents the franchise in an excellent way :D

But after the movie Friend and I went to London Southbank again for another filming ofThe Graham Norton Show!!! The stars today were Willem Dafoe, Ashley Jensen and Lily Allen (who also performed her new song 'Not Fair'). Of course like before pictures were banned but I managed to kinnear some for you all.  The Woman in White is not dead, no she is Lily Allen who then started singing for us! I have never actually seen anyone live (singer I mean beofre) and it was an experience I want to repeat!

Her new song is about how she is having such a great time with a guy and she thinks she is in love with him except that the sex is rubbish. One of her lyrics is 'I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by, I spent ages giving head'. Since those lyrics are not what most radio stations are willing to play she had to change it to 'I'm feeling pretty damn hard done by, I'm always kneeding bread'. And just for us she sang the song with the second version and while she sang it she was lauging and her eyes were sparkling! I t was brilliant!

Then in this picture you can just see Ashley Jensen and Willem Defoe:

Ashley Jenson's shoes were red and sexy and I WANT THEM!! Lily Allen's shoes were grey and lovely too. Sigh. Surrounded by good shoes. And below is a picture of me and Friend in the audience waiting for it all to begin.

And now since it is hafl past eleven, I am going to wish you all a good night!

Live Long and Prosper.


friends, willem defoe, star trek, the graham norton show, ashley jensen, lily allen

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