Questions and answers of your favorite band. There's two versions provided, one specifically for Dir en grey, one generally for all bands.
The general one as an example;
Favorite member?
Top 10 Favorite songs?
5 Least Favorite songs?
Favorite album?
Least favorite album?
Favorite track off each album (List all the albums, plus the best song)?
Favorite live?
Favorite PV?
Is the singer's voice sexy?
VK or current?
Should they play more of their older stuff nowadays?
Favorite ballad-ish song?
Have you ever seen them live? If so, what happened (give a brief description)?
Best song to fall asleep to?
Best song to headbang to?
Slash fan fiction?
Favorite member?
Top 10 Favorite songs?
5 Least Favorite songs?
Favorite album?
Least favorite album?
Favorite track off each album (List all the albums, plus the best song)?
Favorite live?
Favorite PV?
Is the singer's voice sexy?
VK or current?
Should they play more of their older stuff nowadays?
Favorite ballad-ish song?
Have you ever seen them live? If so, what happened (give a brief description)?
Best song to fall asleep to?
Best song to headbang to?
Slash fan fiction?
Favorite member?
Top 10 Favorite songs?
5 Least Favorite songs?
Favorite album?
Least favorite album?
Favorite track off Missa?
Favorite track off Gauze?
Favorite track off Macabre?
Favorite track off Kisou?
Favorite track off Six Ugly?
Favorite track off Vulgar?
Favorite track off Withering to death.?
Favorite track off the Marrow of a Bone?
Favorite track off Uroboros?
Favorite live?
Favorite PV?
Is Kyo's voice sexy?
VK or current?
Should they play more of their older stuff outside Japan?
Favorite ballad-ish song?
Have you ever seen them live? If so, what happened (give a brief description)?
Best song to fall asleep to?
Best song to headbang to?
Slash fan fiction?