This Meme Girls Original Meme is for anyone who's ever daydreamed about meeting their favorite author. You can only use each author once, so choose your answers carefully!1. If you could meet any author in the world, who would you choose
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Oh, golly. I've been lucky enough to speak to many authors via the internet and whatnot that I haven't seen in person. I would love finally meet Justina Chen Headley, Lorie Ann Grover, Deb Caletti, Maureen Johnson, and so many others face-to-face.
Authors that I've never spoken to in any way, shape, or form: Ann M. Martin (and yes, I would dare to ask her who REALLY named Abby and Annie, because I'm still upset about that contest!)
2. You've won a Super Special contest, and as a result, you get to have five authors over for dinner. Who do you invite and why? For bonus points, describe the evening.
3. A medium approaches you and says that you've been chosen to receive a visit from a dead writer of your choice... who do you ask the medium to channel and what would you ask them?
First, Charles Dodgson. I'd ask him why he finally chose the title, since Wonderland was never said in the book itself, and since there are so many stories about its origin. I'd want the truth!
Then F. Scott Fitzgerald, if permitted.
4. What author would you most like to read your writing?
Christopher Golden.
5. If you could pick one writer to write the story of your life, who would you choose?
I know Chris could do it. Of course, it would be totally different from what he normally writes.
6. If you could co-write a book with any author, who would you most like to collaborate with?
Christopher Golden.
7. If you could give one series author input on the next book in their series, who would it be and what would you tell them?
I'd love to sneak a peek at EXTRAS by Scott Westerfeld and make sure that Tally is doing well.
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