May 27, 2007 21:37
We heart libraries AND librarians. If you do, too, copy and paste this Meme Girls original meme into your blog, answer the questions, and share the library love.
1. How old were you when you got your first library card?
2. What's the first book you can remember reading from a library?
3. Did you ever participate in a summer reading program or other kids' event at a library growing up?
4. Do you remember when card catalogues weren't computerized?
5. When was the last time you went to the library?
6. How many books do you usually check out of the library at one time?
7. Name one great author you've discovered at your library.
8. What was the librarian at your elementary school like?
9. How many times a year do you go to the library?
10. If you could change on thing about your library, what would it be and why?