movie/book mashups (these are mine):
American Pi--
Four friends vow to calculate pi before prom night. "And one time, at math camp..."
Attack of the Fried Green Tomatoes--
Through battling mutant vegetables, two women develop a lasting friendship.
Like Water for the Chocolate Factory--
Johnny Depp gives attractive young women a tour of his chocolate factory. One of them catches on fire. Not rated.
I Capture the Castle of Crossed Destinies--
An imaginative and intellectual, but impoverished, young woman woos a moneyed man by communicating with him via tarot cards.
The Crying Game of Lot 49--
A British soldier is taken hostage by the IRA and it goes horribly wrong. One of the IRA members involved goes undercover and seeks out the soldier's girlfriend. Along the way he finds disturbing political links suggesting a far-reaching conspiracy, and, most disturbing of all, the girlfriend turns out to be a postal worker!
Into Thin Air Bud--
A dog attempts to climb Mount Everest.
meyowmix's contribution:
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Damned--LeStat does a drag performance in the Australian outback to call up the vampire queen.