Jun 06, 2008 17:49
So it has been a very interesting and very stressful week. In a previous post I mentioned that one of our education people left, and I was freaking out because I would have to do a lot of his work. Well, to make things even more interesting, my boss announced on Monday that she has accepted a new position and her last day will be June 19. So all that is going to be left of the education division is me. We have five camps planned this summer, and I will have to direct three of these camps myself since Andrea will not be here for them. And it makes it even harder that Andrea and I have become good friends, so I am losing a friend as well. I am trying to learn as much as I can about her job and all the things I am going to have to take over when she leaves. I will have to handle all of the scheduling, all of the Docent meetings, budgeting, training, etc., until a new Curator of Education is hired. We are interviewing for Brian's position this weekend, so hopefully we will have that vacancy filled.
Now, it gets even more interesting. I will be applying for the Curator of Education position that Andrea has vaccated. I am not sure of my chances, but I just think the opportunity is too good to pass up. And if I don't get it, I will still have Distance Learning. Since I am now (or will be when Andrea leaves in two weeks) the only remaining education division member, I know the system/zoo/policies better than anyone that they could bring in. I do lack supervisory experience, and I am awfully young still, but I believe I have shown them what I am capable of doing and besides, I will be doing most of Andrea's work anyway. Plus the pay raise would be awesome and I would get the big office! =) There are some negatives to the job: it would be a lot of desk work, I wouldn't get to do as many programs, and things like that. But I know I would regret it later if I at least didn't try, because who knows when this opportunity would come again (if it came at all).
So wish me luck! I'm not sure how soon Kathy (the Director of the zoo) will make a decision, but the worst they can say is "No". In the mean time I will attempt to do the work of three people and try not to kill myself with stress.