352. Babe, you're a star

Nov 03, 2011 20:35

The Living Movie Meme


No, you don't get any say about it. Somehow you've been kidnapped by a desperate entertainment group with far too much tech. You and someone else have been selected for co-starring roles in a blockbuster movie to-be.

What do you mean, acting? As far as you're concerned you ARE your role. You might be somewhat aware that you've just been brainwashed and stuck into this 'life', or you might not be. Either way, congratulations, you're not just making a movie, you're living it!

However much you're aware, you're still railroaded into the basic plot of whatever movie you're stuck in. Like an invisible, irresistible director kicking anyone loitering around and messing up the picture back into line.

Step 1: Post your character with name/fandom and prefs. There's overtly sexual and not so sexual prompts, so you may want to specify the ones you don't want to play.
Step 2: Someone tags you and rolls a movie genre then prompt.
Step 3: Congratulations! You're the star and they're your new co-star. The benefit package is awesome.
Step 4: OPTIONAL: You can also roll for the role of your co-star, or the amount the brainwashing has taken effect on you.
Step 5: Really camp it up and throw it into cheese. They're horrible script writers who know nothing of the term 'less is more'. Don't worry, their audience LOVES THEM.

If you think their recruitment program is terrible, wait until you see the campy, cheesy plots you'll be acting out.


1. Action
2. Horror
3. Romance
4. Porn Erotic
5. Adventure
6. Drama
7. Comedy
8. Cop flicks
9. Sci Fi/Fantasy
10. Public Domain
11. Choose Your Own


1. Die Hard: You're the only two people free in an unlikely and outrageous location, dealing with a tricky and grandiose hostage taking villain. Only you can save the day through dubiously possible acts of heroism.

2. Rambo: The two of you in a remote location. Everyone else is dead, you are the last line between good and evil, survival and destruction, success and failure. It's a good thing you've got unlimited bullets and your skin is bullet proof.

3. Vampire (slayer) flick: A vampire (or hoard of vampires) is feeding off of or turning everyone in town, and you're the only two people who stand a chance of actually killing it...and if everyone is lucky, you might just be able to free all of its converts if you can kill the one who did all the turning.

4. Terminator: A robot from the future wants to kill one of you. The other one of you came from the future to stop it. It's very likely only one of you is going to survive, but you're going to take that metal monstrosity with you.

5. James Bond: You've got a license to kill, a mission to save the country, and a smile to win a thousand hearts. Your villain may be incredibly brilliant and devious, but you're incredibly resourceful and have your gadgets to save the day. If all else fails, be sure to get the villain's plan before he leaves you to your slow descent into the Pit of Bubbling Acid

6. Alien invasion: We aren't alone in the universe...but it would be really, really nice if we were right about now. The invasion force is overwhelmingly powerful and chillingly coordinated. You and your rag-tag group are the last hope the world has of not ending up Martian fertilizer. Can you save the day, or is it too late?

7. Choose your own - Mix and match, or pick a cheesy action plot not listed!


1. Monster Flick: Monsters are real, and they're lurking right outside the window, picking off anyone who goes outside, looking for a way inside. Can you escape or find a way to kill it, or is it only a matter of time before it finds its way inside and feasts on all of you? (Or catches up, or finds you)

2. Slasher Flick: Blimey that guy with the knife runs fast! He's not a monster, but he's twice as good at lurking in the shadows and luring out stragglers when no one's looking. Can you turn the tables and find a way to kill him that sticks, or will you just be another victim of the masked madman? Protip: Don't get naked.

3. Ghost Flick: Whether it's one angry spirit, a seriously haunted house, or that creepy kid with the eyes that keeps lurking everywhere spooking up the place, people keep dying in bizarre and unexplainable ways. This isn't the work of anything physical, so how do you stop it? Can the haunted whatever be someone else's problem, can you lay the spirits to rest, or is it too late to do anything but leave hints for the poor sods who hear about you later?

4. Zombie Flick: Oh hello, Bob, I thought you were--YOUR FACE JUST FELL OFF! The outbreak has finally come, the dead are shuffling (or running surprisingly quickly) out of the grave for a tasty snack of brain-meat. Have you got your boomstick? Can you turn back the tide? Can you find a place of sanctuary from the infection, or is the only choice left how you'll go out?

5. Psychological Thriller: It's not a monster, it's not a ghost or supernatural creature, it's not even a surprisingly well endowed psycho...it's just a man, or group of men, or a village of people, who would very much like to see you dead. Because it makes them happy. What are you going to do about it?

6. Saw/Gore Flick: Blood, gore, maiming, death. It's not about the terror so much as the freakishly bloody method of torture or death, whether it's one twisted man, a creature, or fate itself...there's gonna be a lot of blood. Survive? How much of you?

7. Choose Your Own - Mix, match, come up with another horror trick not listed.


1. Starcrossed Lovers: You love each other, no one's arguing that (probably), but apparently you're so sappy while you're at it that you've pissed off the universe, because no matter what you do you're never going to get your happy ending.

2. Childhood Friends: You've always been the best of friends...so why did it take you so long to realize you're perfect for each other? Can you make it work, or have you waited so long that there are things and people in the way now? Do they matter so much next to your love?

3. Forbidden Lovers: So what if you love each other, it just can't be. It's wrong...because...because! Someone somewhere out there is obviously going to disapprove of it if you try to act on your feelings...but maybe it's worth enduring that disapproval?

4. Unfaithful: "I wish we were married!" "But we are, Darling!" "--To each OTHER!" So there's an affair going on. Is it you and your lover, or were you the one cheated on, and now it's time to take a chance and heal? (or give forgiveness a try)

5. Unlikely Duo: You two are the worst for each other, it's so obvious it's painful. How are you two pulling it off so well? That's not fair! Can you keep it up, or are you just too different to last?

6. Stockholm Syndrome: You've been kidnapped or something similar. You should hate this person...but maybe in the process you've seen a side of them that no one else has, and maybe they're not so bad. Or maybe they are. Can you change them? Will they just play along to get something out of you? Or are you not quite as in love as it seems, and just biding your time?

7. Choose Your Own - Mix, match, swoon, come up with a different romance schtick than what's listed.

Pr0n Erotic

1. Sci-fi loving - What is this Earth thing called 'sex'? Show us more of it!

2. Doctor McLoving - There's surprisingly little medicine being practiced in this hospital.

3. Fetish Film - Spoiler: It's probably going to be horribly misrepresented.

4. Sex is a...kind of money? - Well why do you keep ordering pizza when you know full well you haven't got any cash? Do you just have a thing for nubile young pizza boys?

5. Hit movies: pornified - Despite what you may have heard, Hollywood's latest (or not so latest) blockbuster had far, far too little sex in it. Go and fix that. Wait, what plot?

6. Fake Amateur Hour - Because there is nothing people like more than seeing an obvious actor pretend to be a normal person climbing into the back of some stranger's van for blatantly choreographed sex. Well of course it's amateur, you keep remarking how normal you are and the camera man forgot to bring his tripod. Heh. Tripod.

7. Choose Your Own - Mix it up, or pick one of five billion porny plots not listed.


1. Apocalypse Movie - The world is ending. You can't stop it, but if you're lucky and willing to drive a limousine through a collapsing building you might be able to survive it. RUN!

2. Indiana Jones - Love a tomb. There's no adventure like grave-robbing with a whip. Look, they even set up an obstacle course for you! Go punch some Nazis and perform a few swan dives into dubiously deep bodies of water.

3. Pirate Movie - THAR BE TREASURE TO BE HAD! Never mind if it's 100% inaccurate and a little bit tired, it's fun. Go swab some decks, drink a few barrels of rum and slur your words like you've got a mouthful of golden teeth.

4. Super Hero/Comics - Even though it'll probably rehash the only territory everyone already knows about the comic and then get half of that wrong too, people will probably love you anyway. Go don your chic new costume and fight some crime in style!

5. Kill Bill/Revenge flick - They killed your ___ and now they're going to suffer. Eventually, if you're feeling generous, they might also die. Woe to anyone who gets in your way.

6. Philosophical - It's a little bit of adventure, it's a little bit of action, it's very visually appealing, but the most important part is the journey within. Now go run on some rooftops and fight with scarves, it'll look freaking amazing.

7. Choose Your Own - Mix it match it come up with something else.


1. Mystery - These intricate clues are probably not going to lead you to glory or treasure, but the answer you find will be worth any of the possible psychos you run into along the way. Besides if you don't figure it out, those convoluted clues are going to haunt you for the rest of your life. You might also just get killed one day by some spiteful collector who'd like to keep all the information to themselves.

2. Illness - One of you is sick. There is no cure, there is no hope, death is absolutely certain. So make the best of the time you have and pass on the lessons you've learned. Also, play some quirky indie music at some point and do your best to endear yourself enough to make people cry once you finally do kick it.

3. Period movie - Despite being all about one specific point in history, you can bet it's 70% artistic license and looks absolutely nothing like actual history. But you'll look stylish while you pretend to fit in with history. You've probably got a wildly contradictory mindset for whatever time you're set in, but whoever you're with probably finds that endearing. What will you do about it?

4. Pursuit of happiness - You had a happy life. Then it all fell apart and you found yourself sitting at a bus stop just to stay out of the rain. Can you pick the pieces of your life back up and build yourself another life with the help of that other person with you? Or for the other person? Or in spite of them? Can you take control of your life again and find a way to be happy even after you've hit rock bottom and bounced?

5. Life blows - On the other end of the spectrum, life is GREAT. You've got everything you ever wanted and you have no need to change anything. Unfortunately the universe hates smartarses, so you can say goodbye to...all of it. Everything. Bit-by-bit, no matter what you do or don't do. Sorry. Maybe that other person can help you find peace with losing it all. Or maybe they're just there to make it worse.

6. Introspective - Nothing actually happens in this movie, but you sure do a lot of thinking, and by the end of it you might actually do something! Or not. Maybe you'll just decide your attitude and life is fine the way it is.

7. Choose Your Own - Mix and match, I'm sure there's dramatic elements I've missed.


1. RomCom - What's better than some good wholesome laughs? Good laughs with a dash of romance in them. You two are going to end up together, that's decided from the first time you see each other. Unfortunately (for you), it's also been decided that you're going to have to suffer through long and slightly ridiculous hijinks to get to it. Try not to do anything ambiguous or write down anything or start something you don't want to finish or you'll regret...because it will come back and bite you if you do.

2. Sitcom - It's funny because you two are just so normal and approachable, and everything that happens to you could actually happen in real life. If you were living in a town full of raving psychos and had the worst luck imaginable by anyone on the planet. Technically, signaling when the audience should laugh isn't really a laugh track. It's encouragement. BADDA-BING! LAUGHLAUGHLAUGH.

3. Parody/Spoof/Satire - You know what that incredibly popular movie or franchise could do with? A little more laughs, or pointing out just how absurd some of those concepts and scenes are. Or how stupid everyone is for enjoying it. Pick something and make it as ridiculous and exaggerated as possible. It doesn't have to be funny, it just needs to be over the top. Someone will like it, and you'll have fun running across rooftops in a frilly dress and cape.

4. Slapstick - It isn't really the dialog that's important, it's the expressions and the actions that are. If it isn't a little bit cringe-worthy at least half of the time you're not doing it right.

5. Dark - It's either you're going to make people laugh or cry. You're supposed to make them laugh and feel a little bit disturbed at themselves for laughing.

6. Offensive/Juvenile - You're going to be lucky if you don't get punched out if you keep that up. That's not even funny, it's absurd...and a little bit gross.

7. Choose Your Own - Match mix, pick something not listed.

Cop Flicks

1. Buddy Cop - You're the straight man, they're the prankster. You're the loose cannon, they're by the books You're the wizened cop looking at retirement, they're the rookie straight out of school. You're still brooding over your lost partner, they just want to be friends. Whatever the case you'd like to turn around and arrest your partner for being so irritating with the way they breathe. Too bad for you the both of you have just been dragged into some sort of seedy plot no one but the two of you can stop. Get bonding, because you're gonna see a lot of that new partner's face.

2. Crime drama/mystery - Someone's committed the perfect crime, and it's up to you to catch them, or they're going to get away scott-free, and no one will ever have a clue the janitor's a psychotic maniac until it's too late.

3. Embittered cop - Things have gone wrong too many times and you just can't stand it anymore. Maybe you should just cut your losses and quit, but you just can't manage that yet. So instead you spend your time flouting rules and not putting up with crap. You're so good no one is going to fire you anyway, and everyone is aware you know that. Be careful, or you might end up with a wide-eyed rookie riding in the passenger side of your car.

4. Crime thriller - This is where it gets tense. Someone wants to play a game and suddenly it's the police who are the next on the list. Can you solve the mystery of the murderer and stop him before he takes down the rest of the precinct, or will your discovery come too little, too late?

5. Courtroom drama - It's not all profiling, arresting and interrogating. Sometimes it's long and boring accounts from conflicting sides of a crime that means next to nothing. Break up that fight before it surfaces and spills out everywhere.

6. Police Academy - You've got to graduate before you can be a cop no matter how many family members you've got in the force already. You can bet they'll go twice as hard on you for having famous relatives.

7. Choose Your Own - Mix it up and come up with something new!

Sci Fi/Fantasy

1. SPACE The final frontier It's something cool or something mundane but it's in SPACE in SPACE stations, and therefore it's become SPACE cool.

2. Time Travel - Can you change the past? Can you not change it? Just how do those rules work, and why are you doing it at all? GO FORTH AND MAKE PARADOXES!

3. Dystopian Future - Eventually something did go wrong and no one could stop it, and now the Earth is a husk of what it once was. Are you a part of that future, dreaming of better times, or are you just visiting from the past, ready to go home and pretend you can stop this?

4. Secret Magic Inheritance - You thought you were normal? Explain the glowing blue stone you always had. At least you're allowed in this exclusive and cool magical place now.

5. Epic Fantasy - So much distilled fantasy you're probably a Hobbit.

6. A Touch of Magic - It's still the normal world, there's no exclusive hidden magic society...but there is just the tiniest splash of magic to be found, if you know where to look for it. Usually it's considered more 'realistic' or 'real world' magic, rather than magic consisting of elves and pointy-hat wizards. There's a plot somewhere, I just know it.

7. Choose Your Own - It's two genres in one, I'm sure you can mix something up new!

Public Domain

1. Mythology - You'll be lucky if the gods and goddesses you're portraying even have the right names and relationships. Everything else as far as accuracy is concerned is beans. Have fun with it, though.

2. Fairy Tales - Fairy Tales, not always as fluffy as you'd expect. Maybe it's time to fix that? Or encourage it.

3. Folklore - There's a lesson to be had in this...unfortunately you've got to also suffer the consequences of the lesson. Crap.

4. Historical events - It's an over the top dramatized movie of something famous or not-so-famous. What it contains is probably massively inaccurate.

5. Nursery Rhymes - It's not ruining childhood...it's enhancing it. Probably.

6. When did THAT become public domain? - No, seriously, isn't that still licensed? Oh well, time to redo it in a new and edgy way!

7. Choose Your Own - Picking something!

Secondary Role

1. Ally
2. Love Interest
3. Antagonist
4. Choose Your Own


1. 100% - You ARE your role (or, yourself in the role), and you gladly embrace cheese and camp with a straight face and an earnest heart.
2. 75% - It worked, it's just sometimes you feel a little..odd or jarred over having to do some of those weird impulses.
3. 50% - You follow the role well enough...but you're still you, so it's a bit odd that you're acting so weird, maybe you can tweak some things about it to suit you more?
4. 25% You're aware of your role, but for the most part you're ad-libbing except when you have to.
5. 0% You're fully aware of what's going on, you just can't do anything to interfere or disrupt it.
6. Make a percentage up! Maybe it can't sit still.

rated: nc17, shipping-romance, fluff, rated: pg, crack-humor, rated: r, action, smut, rated: pg13

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