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Harry Dresden | Dresden Files Books dresdensluck October 30 2011, 20:50:40 UTC
[So much for wizard proof technology. Never trusting Ramirez again.]


frankenhooker20 October 30 2011, 21:02:44 UTC
[Molly punched buttons, she knew it was useless but there you go. She did it anyway.]

Do not say it. Don't even think that this is my fault. I was not going to walk up the ten flights of stairs.

[It wasn't like the phone would work either with their magical luck.]


dresdensluck October 30 2011, 21:09:55 UTC
Not your fault. Our faults together, and Ramirez' for being wrong about the shielding. But not your fault, Grasshopper.

[He runs his hands along the side panel, and doesn't even have to take a look to know the phone is toast, too.]

Well, either we wait for a crane, or we have to do this the old fashioned way.


frankenhooker20 October 30 2011, 22:20:05 UTC
Old fashioned way?

[Molly snickered.]

Call Scotty and have him beam us out?


dresdensluck October 31 2011, 01:13:23 UTC
[Harry facepalmed.] Negative ten points for the nerd reference.

[Then he grinned.] Nope. we're going to have to us magic.


frankenhooker20 October 31 2011, 02:01:06 UTC
Negative my ass, I get plus ten points for nerd reference. [Molly grinned at Harry, then looked pointedly at his staff.]

You do know that it was magic that got us in trouble in the first place. Well, Carlos and magic but magic.


dresdensluck October 31 2011, 03:12:44 UTC
[Harry rolled his eyes, grinning back.]

I know. But magic can get us out, too, unless you want to climb up the shaft to the next level and pry open the door?


frankenhooker20 October 31 2011, 10:27:06 UTC
[Molly smirked and fluttered her eyelashes. She loved to make him flustered or blush.]

Why Obiwan, are you trying to find an excuse to look up my skirt?


dresdensluck October 31 2011, 15:42:38 UTC
[Harry eyed her, then did his best to stop the red blush that was on his face, and said the first thing that came to mind.] You know, padawan, that someday I'll say yes to one of these questions you ask, and you'll die of shock.


frankenhooker20 October 31 2011, 20:01:04 UTC
Yeah, yeah, you keep thinking that. [He’d turned her down when she stood in front of him naked. Molly doubted he’d ever change his mind.]

If you ever shock me like that, I’ll let you do mouth to mouth. [Her blue eyes twinkled.]

Okay, come on use your magic staff and make my day. [A beat] And I didn’t even mean that to sound dirty.


dresdensluck November 5 2011, 17:36:48 UTC
I will. [You never know. Things can change. Molly was getting older and more... noticeable.]

Promises, promises. [He laughed at her double entendre and shook his head.] Sure, sure. [He concentrated, and raised his staff. With a sudden movement, he slammed it down, his consciousness expanding to cover the car completely.] "Ventas Servitas!"

[The car shook as it was lifted, slowly at first, then faster, leaping upward ten feet, then shakily holding. With strain he held it there, will battling magic's tendency to try to get away.]

Now is the time to perform some of your subtlety, grasshopper. Doors need opening, which means the circuits need tickling. [His voice was strained. He could feel something fighting him, for control of the magic.]


frankenhooker20 November 5 2011, 19:47:10 UTC
[Molly closed her eyes in concentration. She was a lot better in defensive than offensive magic but she was a lot better than when she'd first started.]

I'm telling you, we need to make a transporter spell and just hocus pocus ourselves out. It'll be useful doing other things, too.

[She used her thumb to fiddle with the couple of rings that stored kinetic energy on her hands. Molly said a silent prayer and said the spell that would open the doors. Hopefully. They gave a little groan, the magic working against the metal mechanisms until they opened a little.]

Hot damn! It worked.

[Encouraged, Molly put more power behind the spell and watched as the doors opened further.]


dresdensluck November 5 2011, 19:49:41 UTC
[The floor outside was deserted, and he breathed a sigh of relief.] Now, out you go, Molly. I can't leave and hold this...


frankenhooker20 November 5 2011, 20:04:11 UTC
[Molly placed her hand on either side of the door to make sure it would hold. All she could think about was being half way out and splat, decapitated Grasshopper, which would be ironic given how Harry became her mentor.]

Feel free to cop a peek.

[She grinned over her shoulder to disguise her nerves and hopped out of the elevator car with less grace and more enthusiasm.]

Next up, Obiwan.


dresdensluck November 5 2011, 20:09:13 UTC
[He laughed, but his glance did line up with her as she slid out, and he swallowed. She was definitely all grown up...]

On my way. [With careful steps he moved to the door, and then grabbed the edge, took a breath and yanked himself upward to roll away from the elevetor.

And it fell.] Let the doors close, and we can see where we are...


frankenhooker20 November 5 2011, 20:23:08 UTC
[Molly's concentration on the doors fell almost at the same time that the elevator did with her nerves.]

Crap that was close.

[Her hand came up to her chest with grimace and she took a calming breath.]

Mac's ale is on me when we get out of here.


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