Me, Myself, and I
Ever want to tag with yourself?
Here's your chance!
- Go ahead and post with your character. Make sure to put your character name and canon and all that crap
- AU versions will reply to you! This can be anything really. Past/Future self, genderswap, etc.. GO FOR IT
- Crack ensues
- PROFIT !!!
If you need a few prompts, hit up the
Or just pick whichever you like. Feel free to make it up as you go!
- I'm Not Crazy - You have totally lost your mind and you are flat out just talking to yourself. Maybe you didn't expect yourself to talk back though. That might be a little strange.
- Time Travel - Maybe you've skipped ahead or fallen back in time. Perhaps you wanted to go back and tell your younger self what to beware of, or maybe you just wanna see how you turned out when you grew up.
- Gay or Masturbation - You're damn good lookin' you know that? Too bad you can't do yourself, cause you'd do you so hard. Oh hey, who's that mirror of perfection over there?
- Memories - Hey, remember that one time? Yeah, those were some good times. Or then again, maybe not, maybe it just really sucked. Yourself remembers that time, you guys can totally rant about it together cause who else could understand but you?
- Gender Swap - Ever wonder what you'd be like as the other gender? Maybe you'd make for a pretty hot dude, or even better... how big would your boobs be? Let's find out!
- Alternate Universe - This person is you all over, but there's just that one little difference that makes them, well... different. Maybe they had a different back story then you? Perhaps they didn't actually die a horrible death?
- Different Mediums - One could be from the TV series, a movieverse, or even jump straight out of the comics! It's all still you! Maybe just a little bit different, but hey... it's time for a party!
- Evil Twin - Or maybe a good twin. Hell, you might not even be twins at all, this look like might just be out there to ruin your reputation! What a jerk!
- You Look Familiar - Do I know you? Have we met before? Maybe this person looks a heck of a lot like your one friend, only, maybe a little bit off. Why not go over there and talk to them and settle your curiosity for good!
- Mix-n-Match - If you like a couple or even if you like em all! Feel free to mix it up for some extra fun!
- Go With The Flow - Or perhaps you got something better in mind, whatever it is, just make it up ya go and keep with the flow~
never made a meme before but I got this weird idea in my head and just HAD to test it out. Enjoy!