the CROSSOVER marriage meme
2nd edition
Strike up the church bells! Flower girls, hold that train high! What a massive ring! And the groom's best friends might as well forgot about seeing him at all for the next few weeks, because that dude is busy.
Busy BEING MARRIED. Like you are, now. Congratulations! There's one hitch in your marital bliss, however. The person you're married to is not from the same canon as you are.
1. Comment with your character (you might want to put your character's name, canon, and any prefs you have in the subject header).
2. Reply to other characters from different canons ICly.
3. Anyone you reply to is now.... YOUR SPOUSE.
4. Bicker, coo, argue about how the wedding went or how the divorce is going, be domestic, or enjoy the many pleasures of the marital bed!
5. Remember, no canonmates!
meme wording shamelessly ganked from
the_love_hotel's married meme, but gen'd up and crossover element added.