237. it gets inside and eats you up

Oct 04, 2011 19:15


guilt /gɪlt/
1. the fact or state of having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, especially against moral or penal law; culpability: He admitted his guilt.
2. a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.
3. conduct involving the commission of such crimes, wrongs, etc.: to live a life of guilt.

how to play
1. post your character, name and series in the subject along with any preferences. Go to RNG and roll for what you're guilty about, list as many numbers as you want or stick to just the one.
2. others respond to with full knowledge of what your character has done and the need to bring it up or deliver punishment or forgiveness for it. They can go to RNG and roll for their character's reaction or choose one themselves.
3. play out the scenario!

1. cheat you cheated to get your way or cheated on a lover.
2. murder you've committed the ultimate crime and taken a life.
3. addiction you've been addicted to drugs or alcohol, gambling, whatever.
4. arrogance you've thought you were better than everyone else and marked them off.
5. theft you've stolen from someone.
6. double-cross you've screwed someone over to further your own position.
7. lies you've lied so much, who even knows what the truth is anymore.
8. anger you've been angry at everything, at everyone, to the point you can't see when you've been in the wrong. maybe you were abusive to everyone around you or maybe you just withdrew when they tried to help you.
9. hate you've hated someone, so much, you've done everything to make their lives bitter.
10. wrong lover you've been involved with someone who's already married or in a relationship, your own sibling, or someone who's just too young for you.
11. ran away you ran away when someone needed you the most, whether because they were in emotional turmoil or actual physical danger.
12. blind eye you saw evil going on around you and you turned a blind eye to it because you didn't want to deal with it.
13. good intention everyone knows the road to hell is paved with good intentions. you intended well, but it didn't end up that way.
14. combo/other either combine any of the above or come up with a guilt of your own.

reaction (optional)
1. confrontation get ready for a fight, either verbal or physical.
2. hurt they're not angry, they're hurt and they need you to know.
3. forgiveness it's okay, you're forgiven.
4. punishment they're taking you to jail or delivering punishment some way.
5. cutting ties they don't even want to see your face again, sorry.
6. sexy whips and chains, spanking, whatever. your punishment is decidedly sexier than you thought it would be.
7. disappointment they're not angry or hurt, just... extremely disappointed.
8. combo/other something missing? want to do a combination? it's your choice!

rated: nc17, dark-horror, rated: pg, action, rated: r, rated: pg13

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