177. What's in the forecast?

Sep 18, 2011 16:48

e x t r e m e   w e a t h e r

You're stuck. Wherever you are, whoever you're with, you'd better stay put. Mother nature is not being kind today; travelling is dangerous. Maybe you're stuck in a public place. Maybe at a friend's house. Maybe you're in a car, a bus, a train. Doesn't matter. Point is, you're stranded until the weather clears. Depending on the severity of the situation, you could be in very real danger, or you could just be bored out of your mind and looking for a way to pass the time (you know what the only activity left to do is when the power's out, right?).
  1. Post with your character, putting their name and canon/fandom, along with any preferences, in the subject line. (Alternatively, you can also put preferences in the main comment box.)
  2. The person responding will use the Random Number Generator to decide what the severity of your situation is (1-4) and what mother nature's going to be throwing at you (1-5).
  3. Let the games begin!

(You can decide whether or not a power outage is included with any one of these.)
  1. Boredom - Can't leave, must find a way to pass the time.
  2. Nuisance - Darnit, we have things to do out there! Is it over yet?
  3. Frightening - It's been nonstop for a while now. Places have shut down, maybe even the power's out.
  4. Dangerous - You're stuck in the worst of it, maybe you've heard news of accidents and deaths. Maybe you're even stranded outside.
  1. Tornado - Better find shelter! Underground maybe, or I hear bathtubs are pretty safe? Although they'd also be pretty cramped...
  2. Blizzard - It's so cold outside, baby. Where did all that snow even come from? Welp, better get out the blankets and light the fire.
  3. Hurricane - The wind is howling, the rain is pouring. Everything's so loud you'd think the walls could crash in at any moment! And maybe that's not too far from the truth...
  4. Heatwave - Now you know what a cookie feels like. The temperature's scorching. Not even fans or air-conditioners are cutting it any more. It might do some good if you shed a couple of garments though...
  5. Flood - Whether the storm's over or it's still going strong, the scary truth is you're surrounded by water and you're soaked to the bone. Oh, but look on the bright side: pool toys, man!

love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, rated: pg, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, action, smut, rated: pg13

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