1359 : Last Words Meme

Jan 17, 2013 08:26

The Last Words Meme

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Comments 479

Q | Skyfall | Open cleverlittleq January 17 2013, 13:55:37 UTC
[Considering the line of work Q is in, this is bound to happen sometime.]


>_> hi. 6 - 2 - 5 kingsfullofaces January 19 2013, 22:53:06 UTC
Stephen had been yelling at Q to get out of the building he could until the comms went down. When he went in with the task force, there was a bomb in the building instead of what should have been the rogue militia, they knew that their cover was blown. Stephen tried to get Q out, but as far as he knew, they were all still in the building by the time the cavalry arrived.

They had to fight their way in but Stephen didn't reach Q in the inside until most of the fighting had stopped. He was searching the room for movement, turning when he heard a gun click and shooting one a surviving target in the head. But the legs sticking out from behind a table--he recognized those stripped pants. They had been searching for any of their wounded and he just hoped he wouldn't find their Quartermaster among the dead.

"Q." He shoved a dead body away to make room, kneeling down beside the younger man. Maybe it was fortunate that Bond wasn't there but if Q didn't make it, there would be hell to pay. There still would be.


cleverlittleq January 20 2013, 03:59:15 UTC
Q had known something was wrong, but he didn't stop working. There was information to obtain and no one else could get past the firewalls and passwords.

The pain was sudden and unexpected, but he knew what had happened. It was the first time he had ever been shot and he realized that it was going to be the first and last. He went down, closing his eyes and trying to focus on anything other than the pain. Reciting Pi in his head.

"Sir," he coughed, grabbing his sleeve. "Got through the walls. Full access granted."


kingsfullofaces January 23 2013, 08:28:46 UTC
Damn it all, Q. Stephen tried to put pressure on any wounds he could find, trying to at least slow the bleeding, and he yelled at one of their men at the door to bring the medic because he wasn't going to attempt to move Q by himself. But wherever the medic was, it was taking too long. He loosened one of his hands and brought it up to cover Q's hand on his arm. Stephen had seen men die in battle--he'd seen his own men die and he knew what the end looked like. He knew how much it meant to give even a little comfort.

"You should have gotten out," he said. "Firewalls are no match for you, but you're not so good on the firefight end." The smile died on his face as quickly as it had come. "Hang in there, Q. Keep your eyes on me. Help is on its way."


Gary Bell | Alphas | Open google_guy January 17 2013, 14:02:48 UTC
[Relationships 1&7 to be avoided, pleases and thanks. Also, not suicide.]


4/3/3? itsnotacurse January 21 2013, 00:05:07 UTC
[If you're interested, I thought it might be interesting to play the parent/child option here, with Gary as David's kid and them having only discovered that recently. Rolled terminal illness and a few days.]


Re: 4/3/3? google_guy January 21 2013, 11:24:13 UTC
[Sounds interesting! and can totally fit in canon as Gary's dad is never mentioned.]


itsnotacurse January 21 2013, 18:31:53 UTC
[I was 90% sure he wasn't, but I'm a few episodes behind. David, for his part, could totally have had a kid he never knew about, and because he's psychic from a long line of them he'd take Gary being an Alpha without blinking. You want to start or shall I?]


Grantaire | Les Mis Modern AU | Open signedr January 17 2013, 14:23:09 UTC
rolled 2-1-5, if you're interested. drosyrenfys January 18 2013, 08:05:53 UTC
[I'm not sure if you'd like to open, but I can if you'd prefer.]


The Master | Doctor Who, post EoT | Open will_be_obeyed January 17 2013, 16:08:12 UTC
[Hey, it's already happened to him twice.]


Lucifer ll SPN ll aimed at 1967_chevy, but can reroll. castfromhome January 17 2013, 16:18:06 UTC
Just because he was mortal didn't mean that the Winchesters, or by extension Baby would stop hunting. He did what he could to help (when it was accepted anyway) and every night, Lucifer crawled into bed with Baby. If he'd managed to annoy Dean into twitching, he crawled in with a very satisfied look on his face ( ... )


1967_chevy January 17 2013, 18:27:48 UTC
Things were fine. Lucifer was human, but other than getting to show him things he otherwise wouldn't have had a chance to enjoy, nothing was particularly different. They kept hunting, and everything's fine...so naturally, everything has to go to shit.

"Lucifer!" Baby attempts to run to him after Lucifer takes the spell for him, but another ghoul attacks him, briefly distracing him. It doesn't take long for them to ckear the area, though, and then Baby was sprinting to Lucifer, skidding to a stop next to him. "Oh my God, Lucifer...oh my..." His hands flutter uselessly, not knowing what to do with the branch embedded in Lucifer's chest. There was so much blood...


castfromhome January 17 2013, 21:21:02 UTC
The branch gave way beneath his weight and Lucifer lands hard with a groan before crumpling to the ground, the wood still sticking grotesquely from his chest. He blinks dazedly before looking up at Baby.

"You're all right. Safe." He nods once. That's what mattered. "Good."


1967_chevy January 17 2013, 21:23:58 UTC
"No, no, no, no," Baby drops to the ground and grabs Lucifer's shoulders, pulling him into his lap, eyes wide as he tries to figure out what to do. "Sam! Dean! Help me!"

"Lucifer, please, please be okay." Baby cups Lucifer's cheek, trying to get him to focus, desperate to make that dazed look come back to clear consciousness. "Please? Please..."


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