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Baby | Supernatural | OTA 1967_chevy September 15 2012, 21:40:11 UTC
[[OOC: Open for any option, het and slash accepted, would prefer to be the hooker.]]


Oh dear. Please don't hate me for this. 2,1. willneversayyes September 15 2012, 22:20:56 UTC
[Sam had spent nearly a month trying to decided whether or not he was really going to do this. The man had caught his eye several months previously, but it had taken a while for Sam to realize who he was. Or, rather, what he was. It figured that the man who'd caught his attention was a hooker. That was just his luck.

But he couldn't get the guy out of his head. Something about him stuck with Sam, and he spent most of his nights lying awake in bed, wondering what it would be like to be with the man.

So after much deliberation, Sam made his way into the establishment and asked to speak to the person in charge. He was a relatively wealthy young man, so when he requested a specific charge, the manager was all too happy to comply. He was directed to a room upstairs, making himself comfortable as he waited for the man who refused to leave his mind.]


Honey I could kiss you this sounds awesome <3 1967_chevy September 15 2012, 22:37:42 UTC
[Baby was on his break when his boss burst into the recreational room, grabbed him by the neck, and hauled him upstairs. He'd been about to win that card game against one of the girls who worked there - he was one of three males that worked there, and the other two had been bought out for the weekend, which meant that until they were back he would be taking on all of the male requests. Sigh.

So that's the assumption he was working under as his boss passed him a particularly revealing outfit; tight, leather pants and a vest, no shirt required - until she told him he'd been specifically requested. By someone new. Huh. Interesting.

Curious as he was, now, to find out who had asked for him, Baby was still a little put out about the break cut short. He had more appointments later on and he knew he was going to be sore after this weekend.

But whatever, it wasn't his place to complain. He took in a deep breath, putting on the most sultry expression he had, and slipped into the room.] Hello, I'm Baby.


XD I really couldn't resist. willneversayyes September 15 2012, 22:42:23 UTC
[Even though Sam had seen the man many, many times over the past few months, he was still a little astounded by his appearance. He'd never thought of himself as a primal person, but the first thought that passed through his mind was mine. Pushing that instinct down- this guy was a hooker, after all. He'd want nothing to do with Sam once their business was done- Sam stood, giving him a slightly shy smile.]

I'm Sam.

It's....it's nice to meet you, Baby.

[He very purposely gave his real name. The last thing he wanted was for Baby to be calling out someone else's name while Sam was giving him pleasure, and he had every intention of doing just that.]


Dana Winchester | Rule63!Dean Supernatural | Het siswinchester September 15 2012, 21:54:38 UTC
[[Heh. Dana hooker is a go. (Mun much too amused with this)]]


Rolled a 1x3 (Sorry, he may be a little dark) 1967_chevy September 15 2012, 22:14:38 UTC
[Baby emerged from the bar with an amused smirk on his face. Idiots. So easy to cheat people out of their money with a few simple games of pool.

And now that he had a few hundred dollars in cash on hand, he knew just how to spend it.]


I ACCEPT ALL OF THIS siswinchester September 15 2012, 22:21:47 UTC
[Dana shook her head at the pathetic few girls she passed by on the sidewalk, all of them eying her as she strolled by in her inky thick pumps and tight black dress, her dark hair tumbling down her back in shiny waves.

She was on the street, which she fucking hated. It was better being a call girl, an Escort, that's where the big money was. And she thought herself a little better than waiting on a corner for a John.

But things were looking down and out right now, the regular money she had flowing in to her from a particular well to do customer cut off as he...lost all his funds. That meant no more pent house and no more nice clothing and jewels. The pathetic fucker. Should have had a prenup.

As it was, she still looked better, and cleaner, than the other women, Dana sighing as she crossed over to an empty looking street to settle beneath a street lamp.]


1967_chevy September 15 2012, 22:29:54 UTC
[Baby thumbed the wad of cash in his pocket, smiling politely at the girls who passed him, very obviously giving them once-overs. There wasn't a single woman on this street who wasn't a prostitute; but that was what he was looking for, after all.

Baby walked up to the corner, raising his eyebrow as a girl across the street flashed him - and then he saw her, underneath the street lamp.

Hot damn. Was she even a hooker?]


Loki Laufeyson || MCU/Norse mythology || OTA mischiefandice September 15 2012, 22:11:40 UTC
[Good with either part, let me know how AU you want to go, canon may or may not make much sense for this character, depending on what you roll.]


"Temple" for you & "They made me do it" for me. Post-avengers. am_a_hero September 18 2012, 17:52:45 UTC
ooc; here's the plot idea I sort of wanted this to go; just-a-relic.livejournal.com/1437.html

Teaching Tony The Art of Kneeling. )

( This wasn't supposed to happen. Iron Man was supposed to reach that nuke, in time to save all of new york but what actually happened was much worse than he could ever imagine- because he hadn't got there in time, black widow and hawkeye died. The explosion wiped out the whole city and he barely got away with his life. Tony didn't know where cap, thor or bruce was, but he was pretty sure they made it. The philanthropist knew all of this was his fault- regrets starting to overflow his mind, he had blood on his hands and there was no way he was going to bounce back from this. Eventually the chitauri captured him, took him to that same place they found the trickster in germany and he was now at the mercy of loki. Their king. With the god sitting on the throne, an alien harshly pushed tony down to his knees, which made the human give a rough exhale of annoyance. )


awesome idea! mischiefandice September 22 2012, 01:49:57 UTC
[Loki was sitting on the golden throne, distractedly listening to what a stuttering human politician was telling him about riots in Europe. Being a king was far less entertaining than he had thought it would be. Oh, of course, there was something to be said about holding absolute power over everyone and everything, and Loki enjoyed that, but it went against his nature, as a trickster, an agent of mischief and chaos, to be the one meant to rule, to order and manage this realm ( ... )


IKR? IT TOTALLY GIVES ME A LADYBONER EVERYTIME I READ IT. am_a_hero September 25 2012, 17:51:24 UTC
( By what he saw through the crack of the door before being ruthlessly forced to kneel, tony could tell that the trickster had gotten more than he bargained for- the bored expression across the asgardian's face told him that much, but what really sealed the deal was loki's languid sitting position which wouldn't even be considered sitting, but slouching. However, The God of Mischief looked much more lively when he saw him and ordered the aliens out of the room. Defiantly standing back up ON HIS FEET, the regular human looked behind himself as the large doors shut with a heavy clang. Looking back up at the Norse God, beautiful in that gold horned helmet with that trustee staff of his in hand, tony shifted his weight onto his other foot and said- )

Happy now, loki? You've got your kingdom and loyal subjects bending to your every will. What do you need me for?

( Evidentally tony had never considered he'd get tortured, if ever that was an option. )


Blaine W Anderson/Glee/gay blainewanderson September 15 2012, 22:31:26 UTC
[Preferences: the whore/Where: 2 or 4/Why: any listed is fine]


2/6 - Um... for the lols? boy_forsaken September 16 2012, 06:18:02 UTC
[Uh, yeah, he's pissed.]

If I'm not allowed to do it, Blaine, you're not either. What the fuck are you doing here? Don't you have a class or something?


okies! blainewanderson September 16 2012, 20:55:00 UTC
[Blaine frowned, tugging his robe around himself protectively.] Yes, I have a class later... music theory...

Look, my parents gave me crap about all the money I spent over the summer, they said I'm being irresponsible because I have nothing to show for it. I wasn't going to share my personal fucking life with them after they asked me if blew it at gay strip clubs so I need to pay some of it back or risk getting cut off. How else am I going to make $25,000 in one month? [He said defiantly.] Plus it works around my school schedule.

And yeah, don't get any ideas, you are mine. Only. That's how this deal works.


boy_forsaken September 16 2012, 21:24:00 UTC
[More than anything, Boy just wants to cry and cry and not stop. There's a small feeling of betrayal, mixed with a whole lot of jealousy, hurt and empathy. He wants to hate Blaine for this, because he knows what he's most likely done with others, before he felt comfortable enough for them to do it together.

Most of all, he's disgusted with himself - for not knowing and for being the cause of all this.]

T-Too much money...


Abigail Clemmons / OC rebutle September 15 2012, 22:34:18 UTC
(Prefer to be the whore, and not on the street.)


2 house - 1 curiosity / AU, totally winging this. notoneline September 18 2012, 07:13:07 UTC
River Song had never been the most respectable of women. Raised in an orphanage in the outskirts of London, she'd made a hobby of pickpocketing and begging, lying and stealing, from an early stage. She'd learned to smile just right, bat her eyelashes, and cheat you out of a purse of pounds before you even knew what had hit you. A governess position out of the orphanage hadn't changed that. If anything, it'd taught her new rules-the rules of language, manners, wealth. And it had taught her how to break those rules just as well. She'd worked her way slowly up through the system. Her first husband had died abroad. The second? Well, nobody was quite sure what had happened to him ( ... )


You don't mind lavender prose, right? rebutle September 18 2012, 07:31:47 UTC
River is met by the sight of a whore holding a candlestick menacingly. Tall, pale, and blessed with eyes like drops of blue wax in water, she seems distinctly unhappy at having someone climbing in the window. After all, her last...guest...for the night had already left, and she was getting ready for bed.

So there she is, in her nightie, long black hair loose around her like a thick veil. "The door is below, madame. I entreat you to make use of it, should you wish to enter this establishment." There's threat in her voice, but also the barest hint of humor, the crisp crust to a thick, doughy bread.


love reading it, can't guarantee I can write it notoneline September 18 2012, 07:41:21 UTC

"And why would I do that when I've already entered by other means?" River entreats, holding her skirts up delicately as if they aren't stained and crumpled beyond repair as is. She had always been a fan of faking dignity, straight-backed and supported by a lion's mane of hair like a halo, no matter the circumstances.


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