Congrats! You are now OLD. Really old. Older than dirt. What fun things will you do in your old age? Sit on the porch and yell at kids to get off your lawn? Thump around with a cane or walker? Drive around with one blinker going off? Go hunting for your teeth? Forget where you....wait, where am I? What day is it? Wait, I gotta turn up my hearing aide to hear you, sonny...
Whether by accident or in real time, your muse is suddenly aged into their senile years. Use
RNG to roll for how old, for humans this might be between 50-100. Adjust that window accordingly to your own muse's specifications for "old". The one tagging can be aged as well or they can be the young whippersnapper that has to deal with you and your crotchety ways. Have fun!
P.S. Don't forget to loop your threads!!!!