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Molly Carpenter | The Dresden Files | Padawan one_woman_rave July 19 2012, 18:29:13 UTC
Also a Padwan, because yeah. tardisthomas July 23 2012, 12:52:30 UTC
"Come on," Thomas teased holding his blade out, "you can do better then that."


<3 one_woman_rave July 26 2012, 12:56:00 UTC
Molly picks herself up from the floor. She doesn't use a blade, but rather 'The Force' to try and knock him on his ass.


Re: &lt;3 tardisthomas July 26 2012, 13:33:17 UTC
Thomas slides back a few feet and he scowls faintly. "You are such a girl," he says.


one_woman_rave August 3 2012, 10:28:06 UTC
"Using something more reliable than a weapon makes me a 'girl'?" He tilts her head, inspecting him before she sends another wave of energy towards him to try and knock him over.


tardisthomas August 7 2012, 12:54:17 UTC
Thomas flips out of the way landing easily back on his feet "No but taking the easy way out does," he teases, "it's easy to just use the Force to get out of things, what's harder is thinking your way out of them instead."


one_woman_rave August 8 2012, 00:05:01 UTC
"You think this is easy?" She narrows her eyes, her anger getting the better of her. It makes her more powerful as she sends another wave of energy at him. "Not all of us are teachers pet, you know."


tardisthomas August 12 2012, 00:56:25 UTC
Thomas frowns a little. "Who my master is has nothing to do with my training," he says.


one_woman_rave August 12 2012, 12:29:02 UTC
"Yes it does." She counters simply, stopping to catch her breath. "Just like who your Daddy is."


tardisthomas August 13 2012, 12:51:22 UTC
Thomas has to take a deep breath doing his best to stay calm. Yes, Master Petrelli had chosen him as Padwan as soon as he was ready, but like most children he had been taken from his smuggler father as a baby.

"I have nothing to do with my father you know that, just like you don't know your family."


*plays with that one AU idea we had but never worked out* one_woman_rave August 15 2012, 13:21:44 UTC
"I know they died protecting me." Which makes her angry. That's not a good thing and she will never admit to anyone how much it still hurts. "And my Masters took us all in, even though they didn't have to, even though the Council didn't want them to. Can yours say they went that far?"


*grins* tardisthomas August 16 2012, 13:12:53 UTC
Thomas counts to twenty in his head. "I don't know," he says, "I don't know anything about him or my mother. I don't even know if they gave me up willingly or not."


one_woman_rave August 22 2012, 18:12:43 UTC
"Why haven't you gone to find out, then?" It seems like a rather logical thing to do to her.


tardisthomas August 23 2012, 01:55:12 UTC
"Because we aren't supposed to want things like that," Thomas says, "the Jedi are my family."


one_woman_rave August 23 2012, 14:01:04 UTC
Molly's never been one to conform. Sure, she can pretend just fine when there are authority figures around but otherwise...

She steps closer to Thomas, lowering her voice. "What we are and aren't supposed to want doesn't change what we need, does it?"


tardisthomas August 24 2012, 15:04:40 UTC
Thomas thinks about this and shakes his head. "Well no," he says softly, "but wanting certain things can lead to the Dark Side."


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