You just add a little blush, to paralyze your school crush
The Bitty Meme
Time to re-explore that childhood (or get one for the first time). Rules are as simple as usual!
૪ Post up your character- name and canon.
૪ When replying to someone's post, go and
RNG for option one, and see just how conscious you'll be of the trouble you're in.
૪ You can hit it up further for options 1-11 of wat do, and then, let it rip!
૪ Cue crack, hilarity, fluff, angst- a full spectrum of genres.
૪ ????
૪ Profit!
You're Just An:
1. Adult mind in the wrong body- looks like you really shouldn't have drank that potion, after all! Better hope nobody sees you like this, and that the effects aren't permanent...
2. Adorable bitty all rounder- Maybe it was an accident, maybe not. But your size is your age, with all the mental attributes that come with it.
Okay, So Wat Do?:
1. Back to school! First day back, middle of term with a small bullying problem? Time for your bitty to get some edumacation. Play with some friends or get the teacher involved! If your adult instincts are still all there, maybe you could play yourself up as a child genius; who knows? Someone might catch you out...
2. Adventure time! Them kids have all the imagination. Quickly! Your damsel in distress needs rescuing from the dragon! It's time to kiss the bride! Play time has no rules, and neither does this prompt- except for curfew. Mother dearest always said to be back before dark.
3. Gots a boo boo! Oh dear, looks like someone's gone and skinned their knee. This requires a serious operation of silly jokes and coddling, before those tears start to fall and never seem to stop.
4. I think I love you! Young love is just so beautiful. Maybe you're pulling pigtails, so to speak. Maybe you have a crush on your teacher, and you just HAVE to get it out there. The clearest sign of love is always a note, however- just make sure to make that 'yes' box really big, so they know exactly where to tick.
5. They went away. We all lose loved ones, sometimes. Maybe the rents have just split, maybe your best friend is moving away. Maybe the only reply that can really be given is that "they're in heaven now, sweetheart". Whatever the reason, they're just not there, and you want to know why.
6. Off to the circus! Or the theme park. Or the aquarium. It's babies day out, with all the crack, fluff, and panic inducing moments implied. Pet a lion! Go on the Ferris wheel! Just try not to lose your adult companion, or things could become dicey.
7. You're in big doo-doo, mister. You missed curfew by ten minutes. Your Sunday best is covered in mud and god knows what else, and you let rip that new swear word you picked up from that friend you're not allowed to play with. You bet your ass you'll be in the naughty corner for weeks.
8. Big ball of FUBAR. You went and got yourself lost, at no fault of your own. The big kids pushed you down the well, and left you there. All you know is you're in a huge amount of trouble, and a little kindness is going to have to go a long way to get you safe.
Go the fuck to sleep. Dreamland is good, trust me. No really- don't get out of bed, you're fine right. There. Its time for bed, or to prepare for it! Bath time doesn't mean run down the halls naked, but if you catch a quick break, I'm sure you can achieve great things.
10. Time to shine! This is your big moment, right here. That dance recital you've been working hard on, the Christmas play, and you're the tree. This is a big point in your life, a time where you can show off your skills and make history! This is it. You're making it happen.
11. Choose your own adventure! Re-roll, or get out another idea that appeals to you.