1084. The OC Random Scenario Meme

Jul 08, 2012 21:01


This is something the mods have been working on. If you post to this meme it is understood that you are not only okay with playing with OC's, but you are specifically looking for this interaction. Please read the instructions, this meme has been heavily edited and adapted.

Please let the mods know what you think of this meme on the suggestions post. Thanks!

- Post your ORIGINAL CHARACTER'S name and any preferences in the subject line.
- In the body of the comment, set up a scenario (or a couple of scenarios) using RNG (1-6 for a type and 1-9 for a scene) or just choose your own.
    - It is important you set the scenario, particularly if your OC is not from any commercial canon.
- This meme is meant to encourage interaction with OC's, so CANON CHARACTERS are welcome to tag into the meme as responders.
- Have fun!

① Action → Gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
② Angst → Characters suffer emotionally or physically from relationships breaking up, death, injury, etc. Hurt and comfort themes are included.
③ Crack → Genderswaps, super powers, sudden compulsions are all possible outcomes.
④ Fluff → Something that is devoid of angst. It's light-hearted and might have the overtone of romance.
⑤ Gen → General fun, things that didn't fit in the other categories.
⑥ Your choice → Think of your own scenario, choose one of the above or make a combo even!

① Bar brawl → You had one too many drinks, said something wrong, and now you're being asked to take it outside.
② Gun fight → You're caught in a big shoot-out.
③ Threaten → You've just been sent here to rough them up a little, threaten them into behaving.
④ Interrogation → You're being interrogated for some offense you've done.
⑤ Training → You're not actually fighting, just training for the inevitable.
⑥ No hope → You know this fight has no hope. It's not going to end well for anyone involved, but you can't turn away.
⑦ Sneaking in → You're stealing a diamond or sneaking in to kick some bad guy butt, but whatever it is, you have to practice stealth.
⑧ Fight club → You know the rules... you're in an underground fighting ring and you're fighting with all you've got.
⑨ Apocalypse → The apocalypse finally happened -- zombies, nuclear explosion, alien invasion -- and now you're left to scavenge and fight for whatever is left.

① Injury / illness / dying → Your character has become injured or ill! To what extent is the mun's choice.
② Worst nightmare → Whatever you fear the most is now real or maybe you're just trapped in a dream together, but whatever it is, it feels too real.
③ Separation → You were forced to leave this person for whatever reason. How will you react when you see them again?
④ Betrayed → You character has been betrayed by the other. How do they react?
⑤ Tortured → Your character is being tortured and needs rescuing or at least a sympathetic ear to help him through it.
⑥ Hated → You are now hated by the person you loved the most.
⑦ Becoming a monster → You are slowly changing, becoming a monster: vampire, zombie, demon, something you can't recover from and no-one can help you.
⑧ Broken → For whatever reason, the character is broken, mentally or or physically.
⑨ Addicted → You're addicted to something, alcohol, drugs, sex, whatever. It's destroying your life and you can't do anything to stop it.

① Sexswap → Uh-oh, you're suddenly the opposite sex!
② Time travel → Somehow, you wound up in the past or the future. Have fun, run wild with the idea!
③ Suddenly age swap → You're a kid again or maybe an adult for the first time!
④ Super power → And suddenly you're like Superman! Any power goes.
⑤ Bodyswap → Somehow you've changed bodies with the other person.
⑥ Physical transformation → Angels, mermaids, and fairies! Vampires, demons, werewolves! Ghosts! Cute cuddly animal? You're not necessary something dark or evil. You're just something different. How do you deal?
⑦ Crossdressing → For whatever reason, you're suddenly dressed in clothes of the opposite sex.
⑧ Awkward conversations → So did you just fart? Blurt out a sudden confession? Any conversation goes, as long as it's embarrassing and awkward.
⑨ Stuck in an awkward spot → For some reason, you're locked up in a closet with someone else. Maybe you've fallen prey to the dreaded Chinese finger trap. How do you get out?

① Cuddling → For whatever reason, characters feel like being close and cuddling.
② Recovery / healing → You're taking care of someone who's just recovered from some illness or injury.
③ Celebration → Anniversary, family reunion, or some other big event is taking place and characters want to celebrate!
④ Love confession → Someone has finally decided to confess their love and today is the day!
⑤ Appreciation → You feel the need to show appreciation for that person closest to you, even if it's just a pat on the back.
⑥ Flirtation → You can't resist to do a little bit of harmless flirtation all of a sudden.
⑦ Gift → Time to give that special someone a gift just because.
⑧ Date night → You've planned for a wonderful night together and you can't wait to get it started.
⑨ In the snow → Look outside! It's a winter wonderland, so why not go out and play in it?

① Nice meeting you → It's your first time meeting this person! You bumped into each other on the street, in a bar, at work... whatever!
② Cooking → Time for an impromptu cooking lesson!
③ Lost → You're lost and you kind of need help finding your way to where you're going. A little help with directions?
④ Costume party → You're at a costume party, both of you are wearing masks. Do you keep the anonymity or take it off and see whose company you've been enjoying?
⑤ Wrong number → Oops, actually you didn't mean to call that person...
⑥ Drunk → You're already drunk! Drunk dialing, stumbling into someone, showing up unexpected... what type of drunk are you anyway? Aggressive, loving, happy? How does the other react?
⑦ Movies → movie night! Maybe it's a sleepover. Whichever the case, it's time to eat a lot and have fun.
⑧ Rivals → you're suddenly rivals! Or maybe you have been all along...
⑨ Boss → One of you works under the other. Is your relationship good? Are you scheming things? Or do you hate each other?

!mod hosted meme, rated: pg, rated: pg13

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