speed dating: the meme
- dates last 6 minutes, though it's up to you to say how long that is in comment terms
- assume that your characters already know how speed dating works. even if they're from medieval fantasy times or something. don't waste your time with silly WHAT DOTH THIS
CARD PORTEND conversations, you only have six minutes! X(
- in your initial comment, set up your card~
first names only, no
last names (some of these people are crazy ax murderers probably literally)
please indicate whether you are open to m, f, or mf dates. those denote genders, duh.
(animal things are allowed to tag in under either, because there is no 'no bestiality' clause)
-you must be awesome.
- have fun, bitches and tag in to a bunch of threads~
hard mode:
- number your full muse list. use rng to decide who to respond to characters with, to get the true ~speed dating~ experience. rinse and repeat.