This is a simple...
☆☆☆headcanon meme☆☆☆
After all, there are always aspects to an RP character that you don't always have a chance to play out, or may want to expand beyond what has been established. It could also be such a ingrained part of who they are, that it has never been brought up before.
How to:
1. Comment, with a list of head canon
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2. Abigail is subject to a few fae frailties and banes (iron burns her, counting spilled grain), but her aversion to red poppies is not one of them. It comes from the fact that the True Fae who kept her for her five years of service in Arcadia was the Baron of the Blood Poppy Fields (sometimes called Baron Rothbart by well-educated changelings, or those trying to euphemise).
3. When Abigail is particularly stressed, she will find some alone task to do with her hands. Meditational shoe-shining has been mentioned in-character, but there's also days when she'll pick a section of flooring at work and spend hours scrubbing it to a shine, without being instructed to. She will not allow people to help her with it.
4. Abigail was very deliberate in not telling anyone when her birthday was this year (May 1): knowing that would have led to the awkward question of how old she is, and she's not yet comfortable with being both 26 and 31. After all, the five years of her durance passed in three days on Earth. And while that fact is easy to talk about in abstract, how it relates to her age is harder.
5. No, she does not answer to Abby (unless you're Jackie, and that's because he's an asshole). It's Abigail. The mun calls her Abigoat for no known reason, but that's entirely aside and not an in-character thing.
6. The mun's got another goofy habit: collecting art of Abigail on the Art Freebies forum of Yes, some of these look closer to my mental image of her than others.
7. Her hair's actually really long, when let down. If she ever takes a lover, letting him play with her hair would be a very large act of trust, due to how the Baron used to grab her hair and yell at her.
8. Yes, I said "him". Abigail's pretty much straight. I'm not saying that she won't ever love a woman, but she's only sexually attracted to men. She does have a few gals in her life who are closer friends than she's ever had before, though (ilu, Belle and Mairi!).
9. If given the choice between a long bath or shower and an extravagant meal, Abigail will always take the former. Personal cleansing is as big a thing as cleaning, and she rarely had the opportunities she wanted in Arcadia.
10. For WoD players: INT 3, WIT 3, RES 2. STR 2, DEX 3, STA 2. PRE 2, MAN 2, COM 3. Skills on request.
(Feel free to pick up a sibling to play, BTW.)
(Ooh, really?)
... Ant poison? (Oh God. I saw a rat the other day, and it was most unpleasant.)
Doing one of her brothers or a sister? Remember, the oldest brother has a kid.
Without the kid, probably. I do find my boys easier -- I dunno. I'll have a think. Which would you prefer?
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