May 29, 2011 21:28
What it says on the tin, ladies and gentlemen! This is an Anon Ship Meme! What exactly do we do here? Well, you have a few options!
• Game threads! Create a thread for the game you're in (or one you're not in, we're not picky), and talk about the ships in that game, anonymously! Create Subthreads! Compliment ships, ask how ships happened, list what you ship, whatever your heart desires!
• Create a thread for yourself! List the characters you play, the games you're in, the DRs you frequent, etc! Then, people respond anonymously with who they ship your characters with, what they could ship, if it's a dropped character favorite moments in that ship, etc!
• Create canon threads! Talk about ships in canons! How they're approached in fandom! Etc!
• Create Dream Ship threads! Find that person who wants to play the same pairing as you! Or find out you're not alone in shipping something!
• And if you so desire, create threads asking for help working on your ship! Or how you should approach a ship!
• Basically if it's ship related, it's cool.
And just a golden rule that should really go without saying! Disagreeing and disliking a ship, or liking a ship over a different one, etc, is perfectly okay! However, ship bashing, harrassment of anyone, etc, won't be tolerated! If anyone sees anything like this going on, please link it in the concerns post and the mods will delete! But we don't really expect this to be a problem, we're all adults here!
Just for clarification, yes, this is an OOC meme! Our first!
Have a great week, everyone!
rated: nc17,
rated: pg13