The History AU Meme!

Apr 18, 2012 10:15

⚜ Rules!

- Leave a comment with your character's name and fandom. Make note of anything you want or don't want if you feel the need.

-Reply to other people! Stick the numbers into the RNG to see which AU you will be playing out.

- If you have a character that is old enough to have lived through those historical periods or who is a Time Traveler, you could always just play them canonically but in that time period. Don't feel locked or restricted! It's all up to you.

- Have fun!

1. ANCIENT || Cleopatra and Julius Caesar are in power across the Mediterranean from each other, and life is completely different. You work hard for your money, and your countries are ruled by wars and political espionage. Hm, maybe it's not that different after all.

2. MEDIEVAL || Some day your prince will come! Or, you might be stuck on the manor for the rest of your life, working for your lord. If you're poor you could be living in the mud or traveling the countryside with your troupe in rebellion against the system. If you're rich, well, let's hope that you don't get poisoned, because everyone's out to get you.

3. RENAISSANCE || Cities are beginning to emerge! The world is round, man was made in God's image, and beauty is all around you. Apprenticeship is the way to go, or else you'll still be stuck in the mud in the country. Be careful though, because increased knowledge is a threat to the established order of Church and State.

4. REVOLUTION || Vive la revolution! You're caught up in the storm of revolutions all over Europe and all over the world, from America to France. Blood is running in the streets but that doesn't matter, because justice is being served. Or maybe you are worried, because you could be next.

5. COLONIAL || Europe is expanding outward from the Renaissance to the turn of the 20th century, but not much has changed in terms of Imperialism. Whether you're on the boat to start a new life and bring your European values to others, or on land about to receive pushy foreign visitors that you can't understand, you're in for a bumpy ride.

6. AMERICAN WEST || The Civil War is over, and America has begun to spread west. There might be gold and a fresh start in the west, but beware of snakes and bandits. With a fresh start comes a degree of lawlessness, after all.

7. VICTORIAN || Victoria is on the throne and on the surface life seems perfect. England is on top and the middle and upper classes live in luxury and comfort. It's all a mask though, covering up the gritty underside of the Victorian life. Being rich allows you the comfort of ignoring the truth of your own life and the lives of others, but being poor means working in factories and living a shorter life than most. Good luck.

8. BELLE EPOQUE || Vive la vie Boheme! You live at the same time as the Victorians, but you couldn't be more different. Over in England they stick their noses up at your life, but you're living it up. You are caught up in the bohemian life of freedom, beauty, truth and love. You could be an artist, a dancer, a writer, a poet, but you're likely going to be struggling. That is, unless you make it big. In a world where the rich are hypocrites and courtesans receive a higher social status than hard working mothers, anything could happen. Just be careful not to drown yourself in absinthe or catch something from prostitute.

9. FIN DE SIECLE || The end of the century is here, and life is great. The economy is up and technology is booming. Take out a somewhat portable camera perhaps, or read some Hemingway while sitting at the Worlds Fair. Enjoy it while it lasts, because a century of war is on the horizon.

10. GREAT DEPRESSION || The economy has failed, and people are losing their jobs left and right. What's worse, in America you can't drink legally and the mafia is taking control of what the government is failing to do. If you have a job, savor it, if you don't? Well, there's always next year.

11. WORLD WARS || On the front, trench warfare, military planning, POW camps and concentration camps. At home, supporting the war effort with work and propaganda while trying to keep you and your family safe. Could it get any worse?

12. RED SCARE || With the rise of communism comes McCarthy, shouting into your radio that everyone is an enemy. If you're an American the world is crashing down around you and all you can do to prevent being called up as a communist is to play it normal. Get a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence, be the father and bread winner or be a stay at home mom, but always with a smile and a forced naivety. If you're not normal, you're a communist, and you can't be that. If you're Russian, Asian or a Homosexual, the stakes are even higher. Good Night and Good Luck.

13. 1969 || LBJ, LBJ, how many babies have you killed today? It's the year of Vietnam, the Civil Rights movement, the moon landing, Woodstock, Charles Manson and Richard Milhous Nixon. Protests are happening around Europe and throughout America. It is an international revolution of public opinion, and whether you're fighting the war or protesting against it, life sure is exciting.


Nabbed wholesale from huffpuffblonde's original posting here.
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