
Apr 13, 2012 13:23


- Post your character, name, and series in the subject. Include any preferences as well.
- Go to RNG and enter 1-7 for a scene type, and 1-20 for a scene to play out.
- Have fun!

① Action → Gun fights, bar brawls, fights to the death are all possible scenarios.
② Angst → Characters suffer emotionally or ( Read more... )

rated: nc17, shipping-romance, fluff, crack-humor, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, smut, rated: pg13

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Rachel Green || FRIENDS isabigdeal April 13 2012, 18:41:42 UTC
only certain ones under sex - ask.


/connects to the sneaking off at night trip [action; 09] pushmefirst April 14 2012, 22:14:42 UTC
You're holding it wrong, Rach. [he frowns, thumb pressing to his lips as he watches her struggle with the gun. He won't walk forward to help her again. Not yet.]


oooo yay isabigdeal April 14 2012, 22:23:04 UTC
You know, it's not like I ever held one of these before. [She was getting a little frustrated, mostly at herself because she wanted to do this and it couldn't be that hard. How was it she could sail a boat but not hold a damn gun.] I am going to get this right. [She was determined and after a few more unsuccessful attempts, she held the gun up again, hand wrapped around the butt of the gun, her other hand wrapped around it. Maybe not perfect but a start.]


pushmefirst April 16 2012, 14:09:43 UTC
Could've fooled me. [he muttered, shaking his head a little. Half-assing wasn't the way to do this - she had to get it right. He nodded slightly at the newer grip.] Little tighter, remember there might be backlash when you shoot.. if the aim's off from the start, bullet won't go where you want it.


isabigdeal April 16 2012, 14:48:24 UTC
[She heard what he said and looked up at him, not impressed.] It might be a little easier for me if you'd stop yelling and losing your patience. I'm trying and I want to do it right. [She held the gun up again, a tighter grip on it this time and aiming it at the target. Maybe she did need him to get stern with her.] Is this better?


pushmefirst April 16 2012, 19:51:52 UTC
[he bit back his retort of you'd know when I really yell because - well, she didn't know so she couldn't be expected to learn right away. He'd rather be pissed and make her know this than shelter her. Especially considering what he'd heard from Cassie about them being on the run like this.] That's the best so far anyway. Okay. You remember how to disarm?


isabigdeal April 18 2012, 01:09:19 UTC
[She stopped and looked at him with a frown but how much could she say, that was as close to a compliment as she she'd gotten all day.] At least I AM getting better.

[Oh man, disarm. He had her so nervous that she knew he'd kill her if she got this wrong.] I think I remember. Don't tell me! [She said those last three words fast as she drew the gun back and pushed the safety button on and looked up at him.]


pushmefirst April 18 2012, 14:44:16 UTC
[he raises a brow, his hands unfolding slowly and going to the waistband of his jeans to remove his own gun, tucked visible enough at the belt.] And... physically? Like, if I came at you right now, holdin' this. What's the first thing you do?


isabigdeal April 18 2012, 17:27:40 UTC
[She decided his silence was a good thing and he moved on but she did have to stop herself from asking where was the praise when she did something right. She thought about his next question a moment as she put her gun up, they'd done this before.] Umm...step to the side to get out of the line of fire and grab the end..[she pointed at the barrel of the gun.] the...the barrel from the bottom and push up?


pushmefirst April 19 2012, 13:27:32 UTC
And fast. [he says, eyes flashing to hers warningly.] 'Cause you know if I mean business I've got no qualms shooting off your hand, right?


isabigdeal April 19 2012, 13:49:02 UTC
[she nodded her head quickly, actually knowing that. Of course telling him how to do it and actually doing it were two different things.] I know. I just forgot to say it. [she frowned at the last thing he said and opened her mouth in a silent gasp.] YOU would shoot off my hand? I don't think so. [whether he'd actually do it or not, that was good motivation for her.]


pushmefirst April 20 2012, 15:00:05 UTC
If I didn't like you, yeah. [he shrugs, smirking at her.] You never know.

[straightening a little, he took a few brisk steps towards her, leant in as if he'd kiss her as he passed, moved swiftly to try and snag away her gun instead -] Always be prepared for that, too. Sometimes our body reacts before our brain can think - and you're caught off guard.


isabigdeal April 20 2012, 16:45:37 UTC
[She looked up from her hands with a tiny smirk.] Then you better watch which one you shoot if you want me to keep touching you.

[She actually fell for that attempted kiss but she had a tight hold on her gun and after a sloppy little struggle with him, she still had it.] It's hard to see you as a threat. If a stranger came toward me like that, I wouldn't let him get that close.


pushmefirst April 24 2012, 13:25:12 UTC
Got to get it into your head even if it is me, baby. [his hand lifted to cup her cheek, leaning in to her again. This time, he did kiss her. Slowly, a well done he couldn't say from his lips. Not just yet.]


isabigdeal April 24 2012, 15:16:36 UTC
I know, I know. [It could have been worse it was new to her. If he had noticed from threatening to shoot her hand, getting her riled up was the key to her learning this better without even realizing it. This time when he kissed her, she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tight for a moment.] I'm gonna get this right and it fast enough.


pushmefirst April 24 2012, 16:44:25 UTC
I know - wish I wasn't makin' you, though. [he rested his chin on top of her head briefly, his frown darker. He'd uprooted her life almost - taking her on the run with him whilst behind -] Hey.. Rach? [he breathes out.] There's something I have to tell you.


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