The Fairy Tale Endings Meme
WARNING: Possible triggers related to things such as death, murder or even rape-quite a few scenarios can be read in many different ways!
Everyone knows that there are fairy tale endings. But they aren’t always happily ever after. True, while sometimes the girl gets her prince with the help of her Fairy Godmother, sometimes she’s devoured by the wolf. But endings aren’t always so literal, are they? So enjoy. It may be that your every dream is about to come true! Or it may just be that you’ll never live to see just what a big mistake you made.
1. Reply to this post with your character’s name and canon!
2. If you so wish, include your preferences. Example: you don’t want any of the bad endings that would normally end in death, or you prefer a darker ending over a lighter, happier one.
3. Someone replies to you or you tag other people!
4. Before you hit post, you go to the
RNG and select and enter 1-6. Have a type of ending in mind (good or bad), because that number you get is the scenario you get to play out-literally or figuratively.
5. Enjoy! Prompts aren’t necessary, simply more like flavor text. They also don’t have to be literal in any sense.
Good Endings:
1. Cinderella: You’ve lived a hard life. Perhaps there was abuse, perhaps you simply worked a lot and weren’t given enough credit. Whatever the case was, you won’t have to worry about it anymore. Your prince (or princess!) has come to take you away and shower you with affection. Or perhaps your Fairy Godparent has arrived to grant you access to that ball you wish to go to. Either way, life is about to get a lot better.
2. Hansel and Gretel: So, you’ve bested a witch who wanted to eat you! And you’ve found a mountain of wealth in her home that you can take with you! Won’t your family be proud?
3. Snow White: Your evil step-parent tried to kill you. But everything’s all right now! You’re living happily ever after, either with your prince (or princess), or because you bested said step-parent! Or maybe you’re content in that little cabin in the woods.
4. The Frog Prince: That frog was ever so nice to retrieve your lost treasure for you, wasn’t he? It couldn’t hurt to keep him as a friend. I mean, you could use more friends. Even if he doesn’t turn into a handsome prince when you kiss him. …Wait, he might?
5. The Golden Goose: Your charity has netted you something amazing. But not just that: you made someone special laugh for the first time in years. Maybe they want to be yours now. Or maybe you just have a good friend. Either way, you’ve made someone’s day.
6. Write Your Own Ending: Either pick another fairy tale, or make up your own!
Bad Endings:
1. Little Red Riding Hood: A lovely stranger has given you directions to your dear old grandmother’s house. Or perhaps it’s another relative. Either way, when you arrive, something seems off. Your dear relative isn’t acting the same. But won’t you join them in bed for the moment? Your plump just are just dying to be pinched, and they could just eat you up. Perhaps even literally.
2. The Little Mermaid: You sold something to have the chance to be with this person you love. And yet, they love another. So someone you know has given you a chance to take it all back. Just take this nice, pointy dagger and bury it in your love’s chest. And if you can’t? Well, I hope you like being sea foam!
3. Goldilocks and the Three Bears: Consider it a lesson learned too late, but those bears whose house you invaded came home. And you’re still upstairs. Perhaps you can jump down, but it’s an awful long way. Hope you don’t break your neck. Or I hope those bears don’t catch you. I wonder how you taste?
4. The Pied Piper: Well, you tried to be cheap. And now you’ve lost something dear to you. Perhaps it’s your children, perhaps it’s your lover, your riches, or even your life. Either way, you shouldn’t have tried to skimp out on that piper.
5. The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Now you’re in trouble. You’ve lied one too many times, and now that lie you told? Well, it’s come true. And now you’re all alone. Hope you can run fast, or that wolf might catch up to you.
6. Write Your Own Ending: Either pick another fairy tale, or make up your own!