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- Happy Holidays!!
The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
Is finding a Christmas tree-- It's that time of year again
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He greeted Sterling's return with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.]
Yeah, [He answered, in a much better mood than moments before. Seeing Sterling covered in pine needles helped, so did the chance of sticking one to Sterling, quite literally, as he passed by and poked one of the needles further into him.] Haha, you missed one.
[Snarking away, he went to get the a worker at the tree farm to help them move the tree.]
[[OOC: Like you have no idea! They better fix it, or someone better make a layout override. XD I'll take that solution too if LJ won't stop being an ass. And... Personally I ship Moreau/Eliot, but hey, I take any abrasive Eliot action I can get. The only thing that gets in my way of shipping Eliot with Sterling is my Eliot really wants to punch the lights out of Sterling... so I have no idea how to ship them.]]
By the time it was securely mounted to Eliot's truck, Sterling had finally managed to get the last of the needles out, having to take his suit jacket off to get at them all. This was just bollocks, really. He spared a glare for the surrounding pine trees as well, as if this was somehow their fault.]
We have the bloody tree, now let's get the Hell out of here.
[Seriously, if Sterling had to spend too much longer looking at Christmas trees, he was going to turn one of them into firewood.]
[OOC: Oh god this layout needs to go awayyyy. /cry Tbh, I wish there was more shippy possibilities for Sterling, but I quite happily take my fightship. <3 Haha. I started shipping them when during The Zanzibar Market Job me and a friend looked at one another and were all "Just me, or did it almost look like they were going to fuck on that table?" Ahahaha. But, if it doesn't work not going to push it, it's just good fun. And punching is totally allowed. :P I'm also willing to try and scheme up situations where for a job or what-not they have to play nice. They were totally adorable for Queen's Gambit... You know, until Eliot was on the floor and Sterling groped-- Uhm, I mean, what?]
First good thing to come from your mouth all day.
[The hitter briefly considered leaving Sterling behind, but figured that in the end, the satisfaction of a quiet trip back and watching Sterling disappear in his rear-view mirror wouldn't be worth Nate's lecture and Sterling's whining. As much as he seriously, and that was seriously, hated it, they still had to work together for the rest of this job.]
Get in before I leave you here!!
[He drummed his fingers impatiently on the wheel and set the radio to a country rock station as he waited. As soon as Sterling climbed aboard, he scowled and drove.]
[[OOC: I do admit, after Queen's Gambit, I think Sterling's my next favorite person to put paired up with Eliot on screen, after Hardison that is. The man annoys Eliot to no end and an annoyed Eliot is a funny Eliot.]]
As he got in and Eliot turned on the radio, Sterling lifted an eyebrow, his face carefully displaying disdain for the man's musical tastes as he shut the door of the truck. Of course, he barely had the door shut before Eliot was pulling out onto the dirty road that lead back to cement paving and, eventually, civilization.]
I can't let you leave me behind, and ruin all our lovely quality time together.
[Sterling did try to annoy Eliot of purpose. It was one of the simple pleasures in life: good scotch, a nicely tailored new suit, and pissing off Eliot.]
[OOC: Not entiiiirely sure where to go from here. If you have an idea, I'll gladly follow, or if you wanna jump, feel free, orrr we can always go steal us another meme. ;) ]
Because if we had to continue, we'll need to plot out how to steal Christmas! XD]]
Sterling's flexible, heh.]
But I don't think Eliot will ever not get upset in Sterling's presence. The guy just pisses him off.]]
Of course, it's not as if Sterling doesn't seem to try to tick him off, so, it's totally understandable.]
There's one thing that I agree wholeheartedly with Sterling... Getting an angry, annoyed Eliot is one of the most enjoyable things around. XD Given, he could also beat him to a bloody pulp.
He's lucky Eliot's now a good guy.]]
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