572. hit me

Dec 14, 2011 01:49


Injured by your own hand or someone else's, you still need help to get you through it. Let's hope someone finds you before it's too late!

**This meme does contain triggers of violence/possible sexual assault, proceed with caution.**

- Post your character, name/series/preferences in the subject.
- Others go to random.org and roll numbers 1-8 to choose a scene!
- Play it out!

1. Stabbed. You were stabbed, maybe multiple times.
2. Shot. You were shot either once or multiple times.
3. Broken bone(s). You're suffering broken bones.
4. Head injury. Enjoy that concussion...
5. Beaten. You were beaten to a bloody pulp.
6. Used. You were used for some kind of physical labor to the point you can't move anymore... or maybe it was more base than just 'labor'.
7. Abuse. Your injuries stem from a long period of abuse and torture.
8. Other. Is there something else? Want to combine something? Do so here!

warning: possible triggers, rated: nc17, dark-horror, action, rated: r, rated: pg13

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