Bad Ending Meme

Dec 08, 2011 19:25

bad ending meme
Expanded meme

You've chosen your path and it's led you to one of the worst possible ends. A bad ending you've averted in the past could be coming true after all, a possibility you've always feared could be happening now. It's game over.

** TRIGGER WARNING. This meme contains references to death and addiction. Read at your own risk. **

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love-affection, rated: nc17, shipping-romance, warning: possible triggers, dark-horror, rated: r, action, smut

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Comments 642

Rose Tyler | Doctor Who | Open huffpuffblonde December 9 2011, 00:25:53 UTC
9. Not canon obviously. Cause she'd be dead. That'd be gross. rebelledforyou December 10 2011, 08:30:38 UTC
He had watched as the life left her eyes. He thought that this human life was supposed to be better. It had all the makings of being incredibly. A woman who made his head spin. A new life. Why did any of it have to change? Why did it get worse? What had he done to deserve this? Was it a cruel joke being played on the former angel?

The funeral had been quiet and it took multiple attempts before Jackie Tyler let the man leave on his own. She didn't believe the lie he was selling, but eventually it got much too difficult to fight him on any of it. He was never very good at hiding his emotions these days. It was hard.

Her apartment was the only place he could return to. It was her home. He felt a little like an outsider, but it was nice. It reminded him of her. It was her in every way from the takeout containers right down to the basket of laundry by the couch.

He collapsed onto and easy chair and blew out a sigh. Crying? Wasn't even sure he could. He did rub the heels of his hands into his forehead.


So, so gross huffpuffblonde December 10 2011, 08:50:46 UTC
She was, on estimate, about ninety percent sure she wasn't dead. That is, she saw her own body, and she definitely probably died, but she was also fairly certain that dead spirits didn't wander around earth yelling at people, trying to get their attention. Seeing her own funeral was insane. She spent the entire time screaming, grabbing people, shaking them- not that they could feel it- trying to get anyone, anyone at all to see her.

Nobody did.

She wanted to stop them from lowering her body into the ground- she still needed that, thank you very much, just as soon as she figured out how to get back into it. She'd sobbed against her mum, shoved Mickey, but she may as well have been the wind. For a second, she thought Tony might've seen her. She was probably just a bit nutters.

Finally, she gave up. This wasn't supposed to happen. Wasn't it supposed to be heaven? Or... possibly hell, admittedly, she wasn't sure which area she'd qualify for, but it was definitely somewhere other than where she was, right ( ... )


rebelledforyou December 10 2011, 09:20:43 UTC
The angel is oblivious. None of it is visible to him. If he had a connection to Heaven he probably could have seen her. He had been able to see Reapers. He could have seen her if he had a connection to Heaven. He wished he had a connection to Heaven. Then he could visit her Heaven. He could just sit and watch her. He could share like she had offered. Why was he stuck here on his own?

He got up from the recliner and stalked out of the living room and into the kitchen. He was about to take a page of Dean Winchester's Guide to Living. Drinking could cure just about any problem. He dug around in her cabinets till he found a bottle of what he assumed to be Scotch. He took a small glass and filled it halfway. He scooped it up and knocked it back like Dean had taught him. Without his angel stamina it burned and made his jaw tighten.


Sam Evans | Glee | m/m for ships lormenari December 9 2011, 00:33:07 UTC
9. Did you miss me? YOU WILL NEVER ESCAPE ME. constantblaze December 9 2011, 02:28:51 UTC
[He's lying in a hospital bed with his life bleeding away after catastrophic multiple organ failure. He doesn't have a way out like he did with the cancer; he can't bargain or con or cheat his way out of this one. He's dying]

[He's dying, and unfortunately for him, he knows what's waiting on the other side. He can already feel the Devil's anticipation]

[But he's John Constantine, so there's only one thing he'll say out loud, or rather croak:]

Fuck "no smoking". You got my fags?


OMG YESSSS PERFECT lormenari December 9 2011, 02:52:37 UTC
[Sam doesn't really believe that John is actually about to kick it. He's learned a lot about him, and one thing he knows is that he's hard to kill. John can do pretty much anything.

He does look pretty bad, though.

Sam fishes through his pockets for the cigarettes.] You're in really bad shape. Smoking isn't gonna help you get better.


:) constantblaze December 9 2011, 02:58:07 UTC
[John's laugh is a horrible thing to listen to, all gurgly and grating]

What're they going to do, kill me?

[He stops laughing, catching his breath with some effort. For the first time, he actually looks his age, or even older; that's an old man lying in the bed there]

You'll have to light it. Fucking drips're in the way.


Sergeant Major Azure | Dragonball OC | Anyone may reply with any roll, though preferably no six hornswoggling December 9 2011, 00:37:45 UTC
[Well this sucks.]


dr. jean grey | the x-men film trilogy risestwice December 9 2011, 00:39:40 UTC

Claire Bennet ∞ Heroes indestructigirl December 9 2011, 00:58:28 UTC

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