4. Oh so awkward

May 22, 2011 21:01

The Awkward Date Meme

Hurray! Mark your calendar, because you've got a date to attend! The girl/boy of your dreams who you finally asked out, a blind date set up by a friend, met on the internet, set up on a blind date through the internet, or even a pity date with that weird guy/girl next door -- for whatever reason, you're on a date! This will be fantastic, right? Get your pretty clothes on, book that last minute hair appointment -- you've gotta impress, right? There's nothing worse than making a fool of yourself on a date!

.... :)

Welcome to the awkward date meme, where no date is allowed to go without serious amounts of embarrassment felt by both parties attending! It's easy enough to play out, and the possibilities are endless. Here's what you do!

1) Post to the meme with the muse(s) of your choice! The character's name and fandom in the subject line, and either:
a) Include brief set up, if your character is waiting at the "date place" for their "date".
b) Blank! The person who responds to you can build the set up, if that's what you prefer.
2) Whoever responds to you is your date for the evening! As the intro paragraph says, how your character feels about this character is totally up to you. It can be a blind date, someone they know, someone from a game if they are in one, etc. This can be mentioned in the set up.
3) This is when the RNG comes in! When the person who commented to someone else feels the time is right, they will roll for numbers between 1 and 10!
4) Depending on the number, you pick something that fits into that category and play it out!
5) Reactions, reactions! Have shocked and embarrassed meta! Fly into fit of apology!
6) Proceed normally... until the other person feels the time is right, and then THEY roll the RNG. The number they get, they play out! Reactions, reactions! Play it out!
7) This keeps happening until the date is over! However, it should be noted that the RNG shouldn't be rolled every tag. The point is to play out the awkwardness and horrible situations, and to laugh at reactions! For example:

Janet: [WAITING!]
Brad: Hi, Janet! I'm glad you said yes to go out with me!
Janet: Of course, Brad! I really like you...
Brad: Really?! I like -- RNG ROLL 3 -- [Brad trips, knocking into a garbage pail. the contents fly toward Janet]
Janet: [is covered in horrible, stinking garbage!] Oh my ... !!
Brad: Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, Janet! Really, I am. I don't even know what I tripped over... oh my God...here, let me help you get the banana out of your hair...
Janet: No, it's okay. I think I'll just go to the bathroom and clean myself up...
Brad: Are you sure? I have napkins!
Janet: Yes, I'm sure.
Brad: Oh God, you hate me.
Janet: Oh, no! I don't -- RNG ROLL 4 -- [Janet's fist flies back, and she punches Brad in the eye]
Brad: OUCH!! Oh god, I can't see! MY EYE!
Janet: Oh, oh! I'm sorry, Brad! I just got this urge... but... well, you kind of deserved it anyways. Let's get ice cream!

... And so on! The taggers take turns rolling the RNG when the time feels right!

You can use any Random Number Generator you're comfortable with, but here is a RNG you can use! And, without further ado, here are the number prompts.

Oh god, your body is acting up..! How? It can be almost anything! Surprise vomiting, bursting out in tears, hacking up a hairball, sweating insanely, drooling, sneezing without stop, or anything else along these lines you can think of.
There are many different kinds of slap. A slap of rage, a friendly slap on the shoulder, a perverted slap on the ass, slapping a glass off the table -- go crazy! Just try not to slap your poor waiter, he doesn't get paid enough to tolerate this shit.
Did you forget to tie your shoelaces? Geez! You're going to be tripping. Tripping down stairs, tripping up stairs, tripping into busty women that are around you, tripping onto a table -- or even your date! Ahh, how embarrassing, you must look like an uncoordinated fool.
Me angry, me punch!! Suddenly, your fist is flying and you can't stop it. Punch your date, punch a wall, punch yourself! Something that can be punched? You're punching it. Maybe it's your latent anger issues?
It can be in the middle of the conversation, or when there's a lull of awkward silence, but you simply must confess something. It can be something about your date (I noticed you for your amazing breasts!) or about yourself (I still wet the bed) -- anything at all! As long as it's true.
Suddenly, your character is filled with rage. Act on that rage, or simmer on it, or make snide comments during it! Meta some stuff, throw things, freak out! You're RAAAAGINGGGGG! ... Maybe this is your latent anger issues.
Mmmm, your date looks so... lovely. Lean in for that kiss! It can be anywhere, any place your character is suddenly fixated on. Hell, it can even be because they've read some subtle signs wrong and thought they had gotten the go-ahead!
It's so hard to keep those snide comments in, huh? Because now you're insulting your date! It could be mid conversation, about how those jeans are too small on them, or about their choice in perfume.
Looks like your hand is sliding, there! Now, you're groping your date! It can be anywhere! It can also be an accident (my hand slipped or on purpose (your eyes told me you want me). Heck, you can even accidentally grope someone else! Maybe it'll make your date jealous.
Your character is now extremely paranoid! Twitchy behavior, shifty eyes, watching everyone as they pass... and not to mention jumpy! Heck, they might even twist some conspiracy theories in their minds!

Enjoy, everyone! Happy memeing for the week!

rated: nc17, !mod hosted meme, crack-humor, rated: pg13

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