oh no that doe2nt excu2e you beiing the world2 biigge2t bulgemuncher. that ii2 completely iirelevant two the poiint ii am makiing here about the 2heer depths of nub2lurpiing douchebaggery you have de2cended two. next tiime ii am ju2t iignoriing your call2.
maybe ii lo2t them. maybe ii have been 2triicken bliind from 2ome hiideou2 siight that ii 2tumbled upon and could not era2e from my thiink pan and had to enlii2t 2ome random 2tranger2 aiid iin reachiing you. maybe ii wa2nt iin a 2tate two remember how two get there. maybe iit doe2nt matter why ii wanted them becau2e you 2hould have ju2t giiven them two me!
ok no back iit up here. ii knew perfectly well how two get home, ii ju2t diidnt want two go there. and techniically you gave me a piile of giiberii2h ii couldnt deciipher 2o no, no crediit there. ii gue22 ii appreciiate that you have a 2en2e of humor agaiin but maybe work harder on haviing a good one.
oh doe2 iit. do you thiink that2 a thiing ii would do. becau2e the an2wer ii2 ye2, drunken con2ent doe2 not iimply that ii want to go trampiing iin the jungle wiith you. ii would prefer two 2tay here, and waiit for you two tell me about iit when you get back.
you would only tell me how two get two your hou2e iin 2panii2h.
that ii2 completely iirelevant two the poiint ii am makiing here about the 2heer depths of nub2lurpiing douchebaggery you have de2cended two.
next tiime ii am ju2t iignoriing your call2.
it was a joke!
why did you even need directions to my hive in the first place?
maybe ii have been 2triicken bliind from 2ome hiideou2 siight that ii 2tumbled upon and could not era2e from my thiink pan and had to enlii2t 2ome random 2tranger2 aiid iin reachiing you.
maybe ii wa2nt iin a 2tate two remember how two get there.
maybe iit doe2nt matter why ii wanted them becau2e you 2hould have ju2t giiven them two me!
technically i did give them to you
ii knew perfectly well how two get home, ii ju2t diidnt want two go there.
and techniically you gave me a piile of giiberii2h ii couldnt deciipher 2o no, no crediit there.
ii gue22 ii appreciiate that you have a 2en2e of humor agaiin but maybe work harder on haviing a good one.
i wont judge you for forgetting your way home
and it wasnt gibberish!
it was training to be even more like an international adventurer
i like my sense of humour
that ii2 not really an excu2e.
ii diidnt agree two anythiing remotely iinvolviing the word adventure.
diid ii?
did you?
diidnt thiink ii wa2 that drunk...
this sounds like you trying to duck out of adventuring with me
[Or maybe it sounds like someone trying to get someone to adventure with them in the first place *cough*]
oh doe2 iit.
do you thiink that2 a thiing ii would do.
becau2e the an2wer ii2 ye2, drunken con2ent doe2 not iimply that ii want to go trampiing iin the jungle wiith you.
ii would prefer two 2tay here, and waiit for you two tell me about iit when you get back.
i promise ill keep us away from the scary caves and stuff
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