Post who you love, what games make you smile, or post your own journals for a pick-me-up. Posting your own threads is encouraged and welcomed in this meme, so please don't hesitate! Lovespam is encouraged~
Game Thread Canon Thread Thanks to the clever anon who set those up.
Sidenote: I'm sorry I never finish any of our threads /sob
Awwwwww, don't worry about it. I'm never one to judge when it comes to stuff like that. I know I do my fair share of flaking. But I still love you and it just means we have to keep starting more threads to make up for it.
and that morning after thread was not giving me verse ideas at all...
If there was no Jane... Thor would still have Sif, I guess. But she doesn't like dwelling with the mortals too much. Gets too boring for her (based on comic-verse). His reaction to it all would be weirdly simple, calm and direct. The choice of being more would always depend on her wishes. And there's the whole you're mortal thing...
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