Parenthood Meme
It's hard to say that being a parent doesn't affect your life, but isn't it also something difficult to incorporate into a game? It requires a lot of commitment and limits the kinds of threads those characters can get into. Still, it opens a lot of new kinds of situations up, and this is where this meme comes in!
How It Works:
♠ Post with your character, name and fandom in the subject.
♥ Others respond to your character.
⋄ Roll the
RNG 1-6 for your situation, from the list below.
♣ Either player may play the child/children as needed, or you may assign one player per child. Whatever works~ Or you could just have parents reflecting on the situation with no children showing up in the actual thread.
& Have fun!
1. pregnancy/adoption
One of you has been feeling under the weather for a while, so you went to the doctor just to see what was what, and... well, you're pregnant. You may have been trying for this for a while, or this may be completely unexpected, but either way, you now have a whole new realm of opportunities in your future. Try to breathe.
If that's impossible or just not appealing, adoption is another possibility! This could be the first time you bring up the idea, the first time you realize how much paperwork and waiting is involved, or the actual moment when you bring home your new child.
2. infancy
Have fun deciding who gets up to feed your baby this time. Or figuring out why exactly they're crying this time. Or debating over whether her stroller should be pink, and if that encourages gender roles, or if it's just the cheapest stroller that they have and don't be silly. The possibilities are endless, only matched by...
3. childhood
Your little baby is going off to school for the first time! Getting home an A+ on their report card, or maybe handing you that detention slip... Or the kids on the bus have been mean to them, and how do you stop the tears? It doesn't need to involve school, either. Teaching them how to ride a bike, or in some parents' case, how to use a sword. Whatever works.
4. teenage years
They're dating? They're trying to be as rebellious as you were when you were their age? They got into some serious trouble? They're just having awkward teenage pains? Everything is complicated.
5. adults and beyond
They've left the nest and gone to college. Now things are a little awkward without them... Before you know it, they're getting married, having kids, getting divorced like you knew they would because that girl wasn't good enough for your precious baby girl. Their kids are getting married. You've found that they're listening to you less and less, because you're old.
6. other
Did I miss something?