sticks & stones may break my bones but chains & whips excite me

Nov 17, 2011 16:09


1) Roll a number from 1-10 from HERE.
2) Reply to anyone you like with the scenario you rolled
3) Your character and the character you tagged are now in the middle of playing out a scenario to fit the roles. The reasons for it are up to you! Are they IC? Blatantly OOC? Are they in full costume? Time to find out!
4) When posting with your character, please out their name and series on the subject line and note anything you'd be against playing and who can tag you
5) Play nice!
6) Embark on sexy shenanigans or awkward play times
7) Tag all the people!

You're pretending to be either a criminal or a police officer. Is your character a smooth criminal trying their best to keep the cop on their toes with witty remarks? Are they a cop trying to corner that slippery scum into submission? Maybe it's time to put those handcuffs to good use.

This is a classic scenario that you probably came up with after watching too much cheesy porn. Regardless, now that you managed to get this other person to play it out with you, you'll make sure they're well educated, otherwise they're in for all that extra homework! Unless you're the student, in which case you might want to earn some... extra credit.

Finally, it's time to ask all those personal questions you've wanted to ask them for so long-- this time with a good excuse, too! Because who can say no to a doctor? They have to know what's going on to diagnose properly! But as the person pretending to be the patient, you're not so sure if they just want an excuse to touch you.

Having an affair is something people fantasize about often, so how about living the dream for a little while? Maybe in reality you two are together, maybe you're strangers-- but in this scenario that you're both playing right now, one of you has a significant other and the other is the lover, so you can feel free to go crazy, just don't let the husband find out!

Or maybe just a rich heir(ess) or high society individual. In any case, one of you is pretending to be so disgustingly rich and powerful while the other one is poor and has to go through many hardships just to feed themselves. For some reason, you ended up befriending each other and are now meeting in secret...

The ultimate forbidden love affair. You're both pretending to be siblings, lost with nowhere to go-- you have nothing but each other, and you just want to make sure the other is okay. If one of you gets pessimistic, you can even blame the other for your misfortune... or just cuddle them and let them know everything's gonna be fine.

Maybe flirting in mid-air is not a good idea for a pilot, but who can resist those hot stewardess outfits? That's why your character is saving up the trouble of actually being a real plane master and just keeping the good side of it: talking the cuties up and making sure they do their job well. And of course, stewardess have to listen to the pilot, but they can sure resist, too!

You're pretending to be justin bieber the next big star on the planet. Nobody comes close to you in any shape or form. Are you a singer? Dancer? Painter? Who cares! You're famous and you know it. But who is this charming stranger who found their way into your dressingroom after your performance?

You finally got a chance to meet this mysterious stranger you've been chatting to for awhile now! What is your first meeting IRL like? Maybe you're disappointed, maybe they're much more awkward? Regardless, pretending to be strangers all over again can spice things up for anyone!

They own you, and you know it. some people like being given orders, and some like giving them. Maybe you decided on this scenario because you both liked the feeling of high heels stepping on you? Oh, if others knew you played this kind of thing behind closed doors!

love-affection, rated: nc17, rated: r, smut

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