Pocky Day Meme
how does I shot pocky
- Post with your character/series/preferences
- The replying character is eating the other side of a pocky stick with your character!
- The character who eats the last bit of the pocky stick wins! Get your opponent to break off first!
but that's not all
If you want, go to
RNG and roll 1-6, or throw it on the ground and pick whichever you want to do!
- milk chocolate pocky :: No effect.
- strawberry pocky :: Character with the frosting end is suddenly infatuated with their opponent.
- dark chocolate ("Men's") pocky :: Character with the frosting end is 100% determined to win, hygiene be damned.
- almond pocky :: Character with the frosting & nuts end is compelled to use ~funny faces~ to try to distract their opponent into biting off first; i.e., crack icon tiem.
- royal milk tea pocky :: Character with the frosting end has the overwhelming urge to swoon their opponent off their feet, complete with alluring gazes and caressing their cheek, ooh, ooooh...
- every-flavor pocky(?) :: Be creative, or roll again!