Apr 08, 2011 13:01
I have to confess that I am huge, my baby is very wriggly and the thought of rinsing out the black hair dye over the bath, that at the best of times gives me back ache was just not appealing. I set out looking to find a hair dressers that would just do my roots in semi perm black, no cut and rough dry. First place quoted me £58 the next £40, I had bought my own hair dye with me as I know I am fine to use it and mentioned this and was told that there were no issues with hair dyes and pregnancy and allergic reactions.
I finally found a little place off the beaten track offering credit crunch prices, they started at £11 which was far more what I was looking for, however the lovely polish owner said it would take 48 hrs, not because they couldn't squeeze me in but because they wanted to be sure it was safe for me and the baby. Which whilst annoying showed more integrity than any of the others.
So I am denied, but I will tell you something, this was this morning, all the hairdressers were packed out and I cannot believe that all those women took time off work to get their hair done. I am comfortable, very lucky and I would not pay those prices, so are we tightening our belts or what? Holding my hands up I used to pay £150 per month at Toni and Guys to have their top stylist and colourist do my hair and it was worth it, but then I could very easily afford it and it took hours of their time. My hair job is 30 mins tops and most of that is me on my own whilst they go off and do someone elses.
Makes me realise perhaps I should have been a hair dresser!