Aug 16, 2008 14:00
Hello people!
I'd just like to thank everyone for participating thus far! <3 Keep up the AWESOMENESS!
What do you think the most common letter in the English Language?
Have you ever worn shoes without socks?
Do you pop your gum?
Do you know how to play any instruments?
Do you own an orange shirt?
Who do you want to be nominated as President of U.S. (e.g. Pitbull, John Mayer, Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears)?
What is the best type of water (ex. Arrowhead, Fiji, Dasani)?
Where do you want to work while in college, if at all?
Are you currently in debt?
Off the top of your head, what do you think superfluous means?
When writing essays, do you write in a notebook and then type it, or type it right out of your head?
Up to what grade level of math would you say you've completed?
Do you like bread ends?
What kind of cheese do you like?
Plain chocolate or stuffed with caramel or cherry?
What is your purpose in life?
Do any of your siblings look like your twin?
Would you ever wear an afro wig?
Do you put lotion on your tummy?
What's your top best radio station for news?
What was the last thing you heard on the news?
How often do you pick up the newspaper to read?
Have you ever heard a song by Pink Floyd?
How many blogs do you have?
Have you ever used a sound as part of your password for anything (ex. kaboom, bowchiquiwowow)?
What's your dream car?
Ninjas, Pirates, Thieves, or Politicians?
Have you ever wanted to have a hook for a hand?
Do you think you'll ever have a six pack?
Have you ever counted the number of stairs you've climbed, if so what was the number?
Have you ever worn cowboy boots?
Who's Ralph Nader, and what did he do?
What does "drop it like it's hot" mean?
Have you ever named a part of your body?
What's the longest word you can remember right now?
What smiley face do you most often use?
teh fifteenth