Apr 23, 2004 09:27
So....yesterday was pretty horrible.
I'd like to think I'm an objective person, emotional yes, but overall objectional. I have a tendancy to overanalyze, internalize, and just generally think way too hard about everything to the point of headache.
Sometimes I come to conclusions, ideas pop into my head, I make decisions, procrastinate, I do what you do, what everyone does. I'm not a complicated person, I just make everything complicated.
Well enough about me.
So my dad's going to get fired...he's keeps saying it was an accident and he didn't mean it. He kind of told me I was lazy, self-pretentious, selfish...and the word bitch was in there somewhere, then he threw a chair across the room and almost broke his 1,000$ Tv. OH, he kinda kicked me out too...
I'm going to try not to sound like an idiot when I say I swear I thought everything was going swell before dad let the stress of his rat race job finally push him over the deep end.
It's comical actually, I'm sure I'll laugh when I'm 30 about it, "Childhood was great, we had a good time, it's over now move on." That was the sentence before the ones about how useless I am...
Maybe he didn't mean it, but I've always believed people show their true nature in times of extreme duress. Especially people like my dad. He comes from a long line of assholes. But this was different than just someone being an asshole, this is my dad and believe it or not I take what he says to me pretty seriously. I always have. That is what the difference between children and their parents really is. We always believe what they say, but they...well...don't.
Today I'm going to the bank to get started on consolodating my debt and gettting a loan and paying it off. This is a long shot, and it's going to be annoying dealing with the creaditors but I imagine this is something people had to deal with in the 1790's, or maybe even earlier. My point is that banks and creditors suck. Bleh, plus I need 2500$ to pay off the rest of my car. Need another job, or to pick up more work at current job (lord knows how, we're stretched pretty thin there as it is). Grrrr...good thing summer is coming up soon. AARG!
Mom is going to help me finish the Federal Loan papers and get them sent out. We're confused as to how much we can get, what kind of loan to get...guess we'll just eeiny meeny miney moe it and hope for the best!