Aug 23, 2005 00:23
001. reply with your name and i'll respond with something random about you.
you`re really comforting to be around for some reason, probably because you`re really laid back.
002. i'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
well, anything by fantomas, even though we both know why.
003. i'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
lime, duh.
004. i'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
"carl is fucking crazy." (that`s all i got, haha)
005. i'll tell you my first memory of you.
"blah blah blah fantomas"
"what? fantomas"
(conversation ensues) :]
006. i'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
a bear, but not really because you`re nice bear. (?!?!)
007. i'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
why aren`t people as generous as you? oh, and, we should probably meet up at trixies soon.