Boys break my paper heart...
credit Hey guys! how goes it?!?! I'm doin pretty well myself. Life's pretty nice. I'm havin fun. yeah, I'm just chillin with the friends more. eatin sushi. talkin about life. wondering why the hell i'm so focused on relationships.
heh, I love diana. oh she is a lovely one.
well a recap of the week:
mon. was supposed to go to seniors unplugged but my b/f has satan for a mom
tues. NHI
wed. Art's fantastic show!!! LOVED IT!
thurs. lots of H.W. and naps
today. sushi and diana's house!
good? good.
Oh! thanks to all 4 of yoU who filled out my questions... yoU guys are great. and everyone else... SUCKS.
well. love is a pain. they say that love shouldn't hurt, but I think yoU hurt everytime yoU fall in love, and when it doesn't hurt, that's when yoU have lost all love. yeah, can yoU tell I'm a little frustrated right now?
OK, I'm a stupid and desperate little one, and I'm asking any lovely person who comes by this post to give me a lofty comment donation. I don't care if yoU say yoU hate my guts and I'm a poser from hell. It's cool. Any publicity is good.
well, I've got not much more to say. thanks for listening. lates and beware... ~C.C.
You dont want love to come through to you. You like
it the way you are. To be unreachable, no need
to show feelings. Hiding everything inside you.
You are already used to it. You say yourself
that you dont need anyone, that you stand on
your own two feet or that you dont have time
for these things. But in reality you are scared
to get hurt. You feel save where you are: by
yourself, nobody can hurt you there. You
invent your own relationship in your dreams.
You just need to know that you COULD get a
Thats it.
~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~ brought to you by