whats with the bullshit?

Mar 26, 2006 17:23

im so freAakin tgried of all this bullshit. first off today i may not have any job thanks to the stupid world and people who dont know how to make up their minds, well i cant keep waiting for them i mean com on now, i have other things to do then to wait for their call and not to mention other jobs waiting on the line that may not even be there anymore. grrrr. and second of all my father is being a hugh ass hole and is making me want to move out sooner then i plan, i cant keep staying in a household, that blames me for everything because its easier to point your finger then to except the truth, well when im gone whos he going to do it to then. he seems to think that he can intefere in my life and in my relationship well guess again daddy! stay the hell out of my life and leave me the hell alone. im soo friggin pissed off right now. like i really want to go home and tell my dad to go to f'n hell, pack my bags and leave. unfortunately i cant do that right now, so i wont ill just let him yell at me, but howqever there is no way in hell that i will ever buy him a new phone, for two reasons, i never broke the phone, and he doesnt know how to proprely take care of one even after i told him how, screw you and your phone, im outtie
keep rockin,
- melissa <3
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