1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them
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Ideal world? A group of like minded and spiritually similar people who would be willing to teach and interact with each other and their young, saving all their money and doing like other religions have done in the past: buy some land, form a community with houses close together, exercise economic power as a group, and depend on each other. Problem is getting all of us to agree on a location.
2- If you were asked to be Vice President, Secretary of State, or UN Ambassador, which would you choose and why?(Take it as given that you like and support the candidate, of course!)
UN Ambassadors are utterly worthless, so that's out. Secretary of State is the chief liar to foreign leaders, which would get dull after a while. I suppose as Veep I could at least watch the Senate argue up close. How about none of the above? I'm not sure I could be convinced to ever hold any political office really.
3-If you could give your children one piece of Infallible Advice, that they would not only recognize as Truth, but would actually follow (!), what would it be?
Never take Infallible Advice from your father.
4- If your life had a soundtrack, what would be on it and why?
I knew you would ask this one, because music is a profound thing to you. But to me it isn't so I don't have a good answer. There are a few songs I like, and a few artists as well, but does that a soundtrack make? I doubt it, as none of the songs seam relevant to my life.
5- What are the last 5 books you've read (including whatever you're reading now, if any).
Right now I am reading the Hobbit. Page 93 to be exact. I have read part of Morgan Llyelyn's Etruscans but likely will not complete it, as I am completely unimpressed so far. I have read better fantasy in chat rooms. I have read most of The Bomb: A Life by DeGroot a complete history of nuclear weapons. I think the last two I completed were Servant of the Bones by Rice (some interesting parts, but completely pretentious, like a 14 year old goth girl trying to impress at club night) and Robert Jordan's a Knife of Dreams.
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