I was thinking about laws today, specifically ones in California or here in Los Angeles. We have some really controlling laws. I don't believe they're all right. What do you guys think
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I really have a problem with seatbelt and helmet laws. I mean, if I have a right to my own body (i.e., I can have an abortion if I want to), shouldn't I be allowed to risk it any way I like, especially when it's not hurting other people?? The governement does not THINK. =P
Well, I do think they're thinking--they know that they should get more control wherever they can if they want to push their agendas. It's all about agendas... And then some people sincerely think they're doing this for our own good.
The odd thing about abortion is that not only is it doing something against my own body (which would be fine with me if that is all abortion was), but it is harming another person (thus abortion is wrong). We have so many other laws to protect other people and even protect us against ourselves...yeah, inconsistent.
What are your reasonings for why you disagree with car seats? I don't know enough about them to have an opinion either way.
Almost all have to do with the government assuming power where it has no jurisdiction to do so. The only one I'm not certain about is public drunkenness. I'm certain that it's sinful to be drunk at all, but I'm not sure whether or not that's a moral law or a civil law (e.g., one that is to be enforced by the state or by the individual).
One thing I really don't get is the results on the "BUY" verses "USE" with alcohol and cigarettes. Why should it be illegal to buy such items if it's OK to use them? It's like, you can't buy carrots, but if you should happen to obtain them you can go ahead and use them. ? That seems really strange to me.
The only one I'm not certain about is public drunkenness. I'm certain that it's sinful to be drunk at all, but I'm not sure whether or not that's a moral law or a civil law (e.g., one that is to be enforced by the state or by the individual).
Yeah, what made me decide it should still be a law is that it is something specifically labeled as sinful in the Bible. The government shouldn't enforce private drunkenness, but I think it should be punishing offenders who are drunk in public places. I could be wrong, though.
One thing I really don't get is the results on the "BUY" verses "USE" with alcohol and cigarettes. Why should it be illegal to buy such items if it's OK to use them? It's like, you can't buy carrots, but if you should happen to obtain them you can go ahead and use them. ? That seems really strange to me.There were two reasons I specified this. One is that there are parents who right now let their underage children smoke or drink, so apparently those parents don't have a problem with breaking that apsect of the law (but do
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Yeah, what made me decide it should still be a law is that it is something specifically labeled as sinful in the Bible. The government shouldn't enforce private drunkenness, but I think it should be punishing offenders who are drunk in public places. I could be wrong, though.
Hmmm...I think I voted "disagree" on that question, but you have a good point here.
What are your reasonings for why you disagree with car seats? I don't know enough about them to have an opinion either way.
I do agree with car seats in general. But shouldn't the parents decide how old their kids need to be before they "graduate" to a regular seat belt?! Also, if you have several children under that age of 6, it's downright irritating--car seats are expensive! ;)
But shouldn't the parents decide how old their kids need to be before they "graduate" to a regular seat belt?!
I think they're reasoning is that unless the child is 60 pounds, a regular seat belt won't work on them properly (and even then, the shoulder straps are usually still too high). I don't know about the age 6 thing.
I really have a problem with seatbelt and helmet laws.
I don't have a problem with most laws of this nature, for two reasons.
Not wearing a seatbelt puts more people than just you in danger. When you're in a car accident and you aren't wearing your seatbelt, you can essentially become a projectile. You can be thrown against others, harming them or even killing them. I wear a seatbelt for my saftey and those of others.
Some people are too young to realize how important it is to take safety precautions. It is the responsibility of a parent to ensure their child's safety, for instance. When a child does not wear a helmet or a seat belt to guard them against danger, they are not intentionally taking risks; they simply don't know any better--it's their parents who are taking a risk with their lives, and this is what should be illegal. Seatbelts and helmets should be required until people are able to make their own decisions about what's required and what isn't. If I don't want to wear my helmet when I ride a motorcycle, that's
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I agree that it's common sense to wear a seatbelt.
When a child does not wear a helmet or a seat belt to guard them against danger, they are not intentionally taking risks; they simply don't know any better--it's their parents who are taking a risk with their lives, and this is what should be illegal.
I pretty much agree. Actually, I don't have a major problem with some laws in this matter. But to tell you how many pounds your child has to be before he can sit in a regular seat is going a bit too far. Anyhow, my main point was that it's terribly inconsistent for them to have laws about this.
I totally agree on the first point, which is why I think (I think, mind you) that there should be seatbelt laws. Another issue is that if you are thrown from the vehicle, even if you don't hurt anyone by being a projectile, you could certainly cause another accident (e.g., someone swerves into the next lane to keep from hitting you) and/or cause someone to kill you if you happened to survive being thrown from the vehicle. If that happens, not only have you caused everyone's insurance rates to go up, but you have endangered (perhaps even ended) the lives of others, etc.
I would not be in favor of seatbelt laws if not having them presented danger only to individuals who choose not to wear them. But Joe Dopey is not the only person on the road or in his car.
The odd thing about abortion is that not only is it doing something against my own body (which would be fine with me if that is all abortion was), but it is harming another person (thus abortion is wrong). We have so many other laws to protect other people and even protect us against ourselves...yeah, inconsistent.
What are your reasonings for why you disagree with car seats? I don't know enough about them to have an opinion either way.
One thing I really don't get is the results on the "BUY" verses "USE" with alcohol and cigarettes. Why should it be illegal to buy such items if it's OK to use them? It's like, you can't buy carrots, but if you should happen to obtain them you can go ahead and use them. ? That seems really strange to me.
Yeah, what made me decide it should still be a law is that it is something specifically labeled as sinful in the Bible. The government shouldn't enforce private drunkenness, but I think it should be punishing offenders who are drunk in public places. I could be wrong, though.
One thing I really don't get is the results on the "BUY" verses "USE" with alcohol and cigarettes. Why should it be illegal to buy such items if it's OK to use them? It's like, you can't buy carrots, but if you should happen to obtain them you can go ahead and use them. ? That seems really strange to me.There were two reasons I specified this. One is that there are parents who right now let their underage children smoke or drink, so apparently those parents don't have a problem with breaking that apsect of the law (but do ( ... )
Hmmm...I think I voted "disagree" on that question, but you have a good point here.
I do agree with car seats in general. But shouldn't the parents decide how old their kids need to be before they "graduate" to a regular seat belt?! Also, if you have several children under that age of 6, it's downright irritating--car seats are expensive! ;)
I think they're reasoning is that unless the child is 60 pounds, a regular seat belt won't work on them properly (and even then, the shoulder straps are usually still too high). I don't know about the age 6 thing.
I don't have a problem with most laws of this nature, for two reasons.
When a child does not wear a helmet or a seat belt to guard them against danger, they are not intentionally taking risks; they simply don't know any better--it's their parents who are taking a risk with their lives, and this is what should be illegal.
I pretty much agree. Actually, I don't have a major problem with some laws in this matter. But to tell you how many pounds your child has to be before he can sit in a regular seat is going a bit too far. Anyhow, my main point was that it's terribly inconsistent for them to have laws about this.
I would not be in favor of seatbelt laws if not having them presented danger only to individuals who choose not to wear them. But Joe Dopey is not the only person on the road or in his car.
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