Nov 27, 2002 19:07
yeeee dawg
schools out, schoolies is over and so are the dreaded auditions
i'm free as a bird
so today was a nothing day but nothing days are good, it felt so good not to have to do anything or anticipate anything
so today I
slept in late
went to bud to see lib
went home
went to school
told duffy she was wrong bout me still having a book
chatted to ol smithy
rang sel, told her not to panic
tried to ring juan to speak to her before she went to NZ
rang joseph
went to the library to hire a beatles cd
went to the op shop, got the FIVE cd for $2, yeeeee dawg
asif five don't secretly rawk, yeee dawg been shaking it down in my room, ooooooh yeah! it was some good shit
and right now i'm preparing beofre the religious group comes over and am changing my qtac preferences cos i'm starting to panic cos i think i won't get accepted into anything
i really should ring to see if i got a call back
cept i don't want to cos i know i wouldn't have